Amalgam's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use



> Updated as of October 6th, 2023

+ Added terms in the 'OWNERSHIP' section concerning commercial use.
+ Added terms in the 'OWNERSHIP' section below pertaining blocked users owning designs! (Including IP-faulty blocks that are unintentional via public wi-fi, campuses, etc.)

+ Clarified terms in the 'PURCHASING' and 'OWNERSHIP' section below that specifies without a hold set, payment is expected by 24 hours at most.
+ Added terms in 'DESIGN' section below that strictly prohibits the use of AI generation with my designs, artwork, etc., failure to comply will result in a blacklist without repeal.


First come, first served! Comment to claim unless stated it isn't FCFS!

If you are gifting a design to a friend/family member/etc., please state their name/alias, username, or anything to mark the ownership towards them while claiming!

• If you want to put an adopt on hold, it will last for a maximum 48 hours before being freed up to another potential buyer!

Serious buyers only! Please only offer to purchase if you are certain you can afford and pay within 24 hours without a hold!
[Repeated backing out behavior and hiding offers will result in a blacklist from my designs! It lowers my morale when people do this so PLEASE be absolutely certain before purchasing my designs, thank you!]

Please only offer to purchase on my designs if you can financially afford it at the time!
(I will refuse to sell you the design if you are not financially able/impulse buying/emotionally spending. Please take care of yourself first and foremost before buying! If you're still thinking about it a day or couple after, sure! Please check yourself to make sure it isn't an in the heat of the moment decision!)


• If you are uploading to, please credit my design under the name 'SUSHIROLLED'! (

• You can do anything* you want with this design once you've purchased it! Make open or closed species, webcomics, plushies, whatever! That design concept is yours to keep. Commercial use is allowed 100%!
*Tokenizing by using my artwork, designs, etc. be it purchased or not into NFTs (Non-fungible Tokens) is strictly prohibited. This is non-negotiable and further pressing or action of this will result in a blacklist addition.

Using my artwork, designs, etc. to be fed into AI to generate artworks, products, etc. of, is strictly prohibited and you will be blacklisted without repeal or question.

• My adopts' genders are undefined and up to the buyer! You can also make anthro/human/animal, anything forms of my adopts- I don't mind!

Please DO NOT edit, make changes, alter my original artwork. You can make edits upon a new art piece but PLEASE do not edit my artwork files specifically.


The original artwork and concept credit belongs to SUSHIROLLED/sushirolled-designs. Please do not claim the original concept/design as your own work!

Commercial use is 100% allowed at no cost for my designs! No fees, you can use it straight away for any projects, webcomics, products, concepts, etc. that involve monetary gain. I don't mind, use them as you please!

• Credit via mention upon posting your design's own artwork/commissioned artwork is not necessary but if you'd like to see me take a gander at what you've done, by all means! It's super cool to see what stories and lore you've created from them!

Once paid, I will transfer the character's profile to your (or stated TH username) of the adopt you bought!
*Outside of TH, you will receive a transparent BG version of the adopt instead to freely save and upload as you please.

Please do not remove my signature/initials or mention handle on the adopt received!

• If you are paying via PayPal/USD, please state such! I'll send you a link shortly after to pay! Once paid for, the design will be privately sent! (24 max. hour limit or it goes to another buyer of interest!)

• If you are paying via Points, please state such! I'll give you the prompt shortly after to pay via Give option on my DA page! Once paid for, the design will be privately sent! (24 max. hour limit or it goes to another buyer of interest!)

Trading is allowed!

Reselling is allowed but no more than the original price! 
(Unless it includes extra artwork as an add-on, commission work, etc.!)

•  Designs owned by blocked users are allowed so long as they aren't directly purchased through me or full-knowingly relayed/resold/gifted from a whitelisted purchaser to the blocked/restricted users in question. (Doing so for users in question that are aware they aren't to interact with me will result in a block across platforms.)

* In the case it is a faulty IP block via result of it being picked up by a public IP, campus, etc. It is faulty and is not an intentional block. This is not meant to be intentional as the few IP blocks I've issued out in the past are unfortunately broad by design with how they work and extremely messy.
** If I have intentionally, manually blocked you (speaking directly to those I have,) and you own/purchased/have been gifted a design from me prior the block, do not contact me. It is no open invitation for you to contact me by nor am I interested.
Your design will not be revoked (I don't believe in that action, personally as you've purchased/been gifted/own the design,) but it is not a doormat for you to use to contact me about any questions, comments, or concerns. The Global TOS I've set is there for you to refer to in the character's sidebar Ownership Tab. Please address that.