


4 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info


Waruu, the Celestial of Knowledge




Fooshie (Celestial)


Waruu is like the typical stubborn old man cross with librarian. He's irritable, grumbly, wise, and he prefers to keep to himself, opting to stay indoors than enter the streets. As such, he's rarely seen, and coupled with his tendency to stare and extensive knowledge, has gained himself a reputation of being incredibly mysterious and cryptic. He likes tidiness and order, struggles to talk to others, and doesn't tolerate people messing up his bookshelves and touching everything. He can be considered a little eccentric and unpredictable at times, and he gets excited about the discovery of something new, which these days is few and far in between. He is the Celestial of Knowledge, meaning he knows quite a damn lot about everything and anything, and dedicates much of his time adding to his archives or tending to his library. As old as he is, Waruu is quite nimble, and some may find it difficult to keep up with him, and not just physically. He often forgets that not everyone knows the same things he does, leaving him baffling the rare conversational partner or becoming bored of the subject. He's quick to correct people on facts that are wrong, and while he doesn't mean to be rude, he just doesn't understand how such misinformation gets around. There's nothing that irritates him more than nonsense being taken as fact, which is part of the reason he opened up his library, so that citizens could access proper information. He just has to chill about his precious books and records being handled, and trust they won't be damaged. 

Waruu is the keeper of the tribe's Library and Archives, and quite a recluse too, preferring to loom in the background rather than actively engage with citizens. His knowledge has secured a spot in the royal court as an advisor, which he's not exactly pleased with but he does his job very well and serves the monarchs with loyalty. He's one of the King's most trusted allies, and knows all his secrets, each of which he'll take to his grave. He has few companions, but he makes sure he spares the time to speak with inquiring minds, and has a soft spot for his amphie assistant, Beta. Her curiosity for the world sees her being one of Waruu's rare students, and he's determined to nurture that inquisitive and adventurous nature. He grows tired of tradition, and hopes that Beta's will to learn and and explore will help shift the way things operate for the better. One of the few celestials in the tribe, Waruu is revered amongst the people, and in some circumstances, even feared for the power he possesses. It's somewhat amusing to him, and while he doesn't really understand all the respect he receives, he supposes it's not too bad. Although, sometimes it makes him a bit uncomfortable when he's addressed formally, preferring people use his name rather than his title. Not only is it easier to say, but also less... enigmatic.