Basic Info

Acquired worth:

$8.87 + 3.520k ac + 1 extra

Approximate networth:


Age: 21 looks like 15

Height: 5' even 

Weight: probably 60 Ib

Sweet baby that loves working on planes. He? She? Honestly, no one knows. Has a haircut that could easily be boy/girl, a feminine face but always dirty, ragged clothes, and a soft and somewhat raspy medium ranged voice that leaves people even more confused. Their coworkers tend to avoid using pronouns in their presence but use "they/them" in private conversations. 

Tory lives in a Post-apocalyptic setting where most of the planet has become a desert. The bunker Tory lives in specializes in aircrafts, recycled machinery from the old world. The planes are in terrible condition from age and constantly need fixing, which Tory happily does. The airplanes are essential to their survival since they are used to find and gather supplies/resources.

The world is dry, hot, and dusty. Eye-protection is important when going outside to avoid getting sand/dirt in your eyes. Clothes have also been patched and recycled as not many people have materials or knowledge to make new clothing.

Despite their circumstances, many in Tory's world are friendly and work hard together in order to survive and continue building a new world for themselves. There are occasionally disputes over resources among the different settlements, but otherwise, there is peace.

It has been over 80 years since the old world first collapsed but no one is certain how it happened. This new world is all that Tory and their comrades have ever known.

Creation date: January 11th 2020