Xenia Metaxas



4 years, 5 months ago


- Basic Information -
Full Name: Xenia Evangelia Metaxas (Script: ξενος Ευαγγελια Μεταξας)

Alias: Xenia

Nickname: Xen, Ghost Girl

Title: Troubled Soul

Gender: Female

Species: Anthropomorphic/Magpie

Age: 25

D.o.B.: 6th January

Sexuality: Straight(?)

City of Birth: Apotos

Currently lives: State of Progress, near Empire City

Languages Spoken: Empire City English, Apotos Greek, 

Relationship Status: Single

-Physical Appearance-
Height: ' " (cm)

Weight: lbs (kg)

Hair colour: Dyed off-white, with the roots of her hair-feather untouched.

Eye colour: Light Brown

Feather colour: Darkish Blue



Scars/distinguishing marks: 

Frequently worn Jewellery: Toe ring with an orange gem

Smoker/Drinker: No / No

Drug User? Which?: Nope.

Addiction(s): Nope.


Any physical ailments/illnesses/disabilities: Long-sighted. She needs her spectacles to have clear vision up close.


  • Inquisitive: She asks questions. A lot of questions. She wants the answers delivered to her, and it doesn't matter how long it takes for those answers to be delivered. She may ask things that may not seem relevant to the topic of her current focus, because you never know if that question could cause a useful information to appear.
  • Analytical: She takes time to consider all possibilities. Everything that has happened must have a connection between them. She will spend a long time thinking about what connects these possibly random events, that it may become worrying for her family and friends.
  • Dry: Her sense of humor is very poor. That's what she thinks, given how little she laughs. She doesn't get it. Life comes to an end eventually for some, and there's a lot of things that happen across the globe that is depressing to her. How could anyone be genuinely happy in this day and age? It doesn't stop her from trying to be sarcastic, but she can't bring herself to insult another person.
  • Recluse: She's not keen on socializing, preferring to be lost in her thoughts. It's quieter that way. Much easier to organize her thoughts. Much easier to breathe. Much easier to not worry if anyone else could've been hurt.
  • Religious: Though she doesn't openly state it, she believes that a god is watching over everyone. All of her actions are being judged all the time. She wants to give a good impression of herself to this deity, so that she wouldn't be punished by it when her time comes. She's afraid of what happens after death.
  • Secretive: At the same time, she feels conflicted. There are some things that she enjoys that may seem unfavorable in the eyes of others. But if no one sees it, it should be fine, right? No one would be offended by it if no one sees it, right? She's developed a good strategy for keeping secrets and staying out of attention. If she gets caught, it's all over.

Likes: History, chocolate, card games, lo-fi music, reading into the significance of rituals in different cultures, learning about these cultures, the supernatural, mysteries around the globe, 

Dislikes: Having to yell, the heat, the cold, dark places, ghosts, her devices being out of power, 

Favorite/Disliked Food:  / 

Favorite/Disliked Drink:  / 


  • Thanatophobia: She's trying to fight her flight response to this topic. She knows that it's inevitable. Everyone meets it at the end of their journey. She has to be ready for it.

Hobbies: Gaming, reading, poetry, 


  • "What is it this time?"
  • "Shut up. Just shut up!"

Team Info: Primarily acts as Flight; capable of fulfilling Support roles.

  • She is an unofficial part of the Progressive Squad. She doesn't want to be part of the group, but she gets dragged into their adventures regardless.
  • If she isn't dragged into main Progressive Squad, she acts as the second Flight member for Alex (Power), Greca (Speed), and Leon (Flight).


  • Musical Prowess (Stringed Instrument): She's particularly fond of the zither, preferring the small variants as they are easy to carry. 
  • Ghost Sight: She hates this so much. She has to pretend that she can't see them, or they will pester her. Or worse.


  • Flight
  • She's quick on her feet. Partly because it's safer to flee from trouble than to take them head on.
  • Fast Reading: There's so much faff in books these days. She's learned to pick out important information, then go back to it should she need a clearer explanation on what she'd read.
  • Knowledge in Ruins: While she knows a lot about the mechanics and mysticism behind the contraptions, she prefers to remain outside than to delve into one.
  • Understanding of the Supernatural: She was really interested in the paranormal. She liked how otherworldly things could be forced to leave. After that particular incident, she has been gathering as much information on sealing and removing ghosts as she possibly could.
  • Acrobatic: She's done this in her childhood. She can perform a few tricks, like a cartwheel, but that's the extent of her agility.
  • Dancing: She's greatly embarrassed by this, but she really enjoys gliding across a stage.

Special Attack(s):

  • Quick Step: Basic skill. She leaps in a certain direction, recovering quickly so she is ready to perform her next action.

Ability to operate vehicles? Which?: 

-Family and Friends-
Parents: (Father), (Mother)

Is the character still in contact with parents?: Yes

Siblings: She has two younger brothers.

Partner/Spouse: None.

Children: None.


  • Spectacles with a chain
  • Toe ring with orange gem: An accessory she commonly wears.
  • Tablet
  • Sling Bag: Aside from her purse and phone, it also contains the materials that she needs to remove ghosts that have remained behind in this world. There's a lot of materials depending on the ghost that she has to remove.
  • Strange Book: This book appears like a normal notebook. When anyone else reads into it, all they find are blank pages. When Xenia looks at it, words will appear for her to read. Doing so will create a variety of effects that no one understands how it works. It's as if the book wants to save her. But why?

Extra Info:

  • The Progressive Squad often approaches her for info on whatever threats they encounter. She laments that they rely on her for information regarding strange happenings.
  • She was classmates with Alex. The kangaroo apparently liked her company so much that the magpie is the first person that she messages to whenever something happens, much to Xenia's exasperation. Now she's part of the group of four with Greca and Leon. It's amazing how these three also know the Progressive Squad, much to her exasperation.
  • She's the only one allowed to tease Alex of her ineptitude for poetry.