Luma (Regular)



4 years, 5 months ago


Full Name: Luma O'Donovan (Actually Siobhan but she doesn't know that)

Also Known As: Lum

Race/Species: Human

Age: 22

Birthday: 22/8

Sexual Orientation: biromantic

Abilities, Skills, and Powers: Taught witchcraft, particularly good at healing

Notable strengths: Healing, potion making

Notable Weaknesses: Stamina and attacking, tendencies for self loathing

Physical appearance: Tall, but very unintimidating

Usual attire: comfy wear, like sweaters and leggings, no shoes usually

Habits: nail biting, twirling hair

Likes: Cosy spaces, friends, playing the fiddle

Dislikes: the cold, herself, being alone, feeling out of place

  Her deal  

Luma was a regular child up until about 3 or 4 years old, where her parents took her out on a walk but they looked away from her for a minute and she managed to toddle her way into a fairy circle, and got transported into a fey village. (Fairy circles are rings of mushrooms commonly believed to be entrances to the Irish otherworld) the fey she ended up with dubbed her Luma, from her short blond hair that she had at the time, and she picked up magic from them and was actively taught it alongside their idea of what life was like for humans. (Not the most accurate)
So she leaves the hollow at 18, and starts a life in Ireland, and gets along pretty alright for a few years until unfortunately she finds herself with an abuser. After he breaks her nose she finally decides that enough is enough. She skips town and leaves Ireland to beeline for Amsterdam. Gets settled there, has a good time for a while, gets a shitty waitresses job and overall gets things straightened out.
But she's not done!
Gets settled, life together, a job, a place and that kind of thing, and then a conflict between two goddesses, (Selene and Solaria) that has been popping up around the globe,  comes to Amsterdam, which Selene, picks up on Luma for her learned magic, and ropes her in for a "servitor" gig which is basically a superhero gig that shes not so happy about, because as she predicts, it pings her back up on her abusers radar. But she manages to make some good life friends in the process and they quite literally help her fight her demons.