Rei Jing



4 years, 5 months ago


⊰Basic Character Information:


[»] True Name: Rei Jing

[»] Nicknames:

[»] Affiliation: Stirling Family, Omen Coven

[»] Occupation: Traveler ,Harmo-Knight






[»] Appeared Age: 19(looks fairly young)

[»] Actual Age: early 20’s

[»] Date of Birth: 04/30

[»] Gender: male

[»] Sexuality: straight

[»] Place of Birth: Unknown

[»] Race/Species: Ringer (land siren, ”sky siren”)

[»] Heritage: Tuning wand

[»] Height: 5’10

[»] Weight: 160

[»] Build: Athletic, lean

[»] Skin Color: Brown

[»] Natural Eye Color: hazel

[»] Natural Hair Color: Dark brown

[»] Current Hair Color: Dark Brown

[»] Hair Length: Long, shoulder length

[»] Hair Style: resembles that of a lion’s mane

[»] Defining Facial Features: his absurd amount of hair, horns.


[>>] Family:


[»] Marital Status: Single

[»] Birth Father: Lenar Buru

[»] Birth Mother: Tana Buru

 [»] Siblings: N/A

[»] Best Friend: N/A


[>>] Personality: Rei is a carefree and generally laid back person


[>>] Major Personality Traits:  charismatic, relatable.


[>>] Likes: Tea, traveling, telling stories, playing music, nature’s gifts.


[>>] Dislikes: the quiet, being alone.



[»] Bad Habits: irrational decisions

[»] Good Habits: kind hearted with a good head on his shoulders

[»] Best Memory: Too many from his travels (wip)

[»] Worst Memory: Being captured by one’s who wished to use his power for evil and was thrown into a sound proof room.

[»] Proud Of: his music.

[»] Temperament: lazy, without care.


[>>] Brief Biography: Rei is a part of a race known as the ringers, a group who are in the same family as sirens, but are a bit more passive live high above the world unaware of the world below.


Rei was a curious and ambitious individual and his father was no exception.


Rei’s father was banished from the peaceful village for making weapons (based on instruments) to give to the village’s grand elder. The fat blind man refused them, he believed they had no reason to, no one had ever bothered them and vice versa and ordered his strongest men to crush the instruments before his father’s eyes.


Rei’s Dad spit into the face of the grand elder pissed at the waste of his time and effort, with malice the elder pointed and sent him beyond the gates of the village.


As the guards were taking him to the edge of the floating mass young Rei was outside playing when he saw the sight, the child began to chase them down, his mother happened to be watching from the house’s window, going outside to hold him close, they watched their loved one be carried away, she saw this happen to few others and knew she couldn’t stop it.


His father looked back and smiled to his son, as his loved ones averted their eyes, full of tears.


The grand elder pointed and the two large men kicked him down, disappearing into the sea of clouds.


Years on his 21’st birthday his mother took him to a chamber underneath their home and presented him with a weapon his father left, the tuning wand, along with a small knapsack. His mother knew that eventually Rei would go after his father and offered him the sword, Rei decided before he left he’d send a message, sheathing the sword on his back and making his way to the grand elder.


Rei approached the grand elder and the fat man’s head rose upon his entry. “ well well well if it isn’t the son of the madman.” This set Rei off and he did the same thing his father did years ago, spat in the face of the elder before looking to the guards and hauling tail. “SIEZE HIM” Rei ran to the edge of the village, cornered by the same two gentlemen that “escorted” his father. The two walked closer and Rei gave a two finger salute and dove into the clouds.


It was beautiful, surrounded by white before passing the lovely blue of the sky, he could see something as he made passage through the clouds a large body of water and a mass of land, his father was right and there was something below, squinting he saw something else, a strange light in the distance that began to flicker, after a bit the flicker began to rapidly distort until a large portal appeared, ripping right through space, he tried to stop himself before being inevitably sucked in, he found himself in a strange new world…


[>>] Abilities:

* Riding sound waves

*Sound absorption

*Sound Amplification


*Lie detection (listening to one’s heartbeat)

*Areas of silence (no spells!)

*Various songs with different effects (i.e. sleep induction)

*Sound Mimicry

*Enhanced hearing

*Various Sound attacks

*Frequency manipulation(vibrations and such)


[>>] Weapons:

*The Tuning Wand(Think lemongrab’s sound sword)

*Small chimes that he throws to extend his own sound based attacks