


4 years, 8 months ago


⊰Basic Character Information:


[»] True Name: Polaris Wells

[»] Nicknames: polar bear(mom)

[»] Affiliation: Stirling Family, Omen Coven

[»] Occupation:Scientist, Doctor ,Magna-mage






[»] Appeared Age: 20's(looks fairly young)

[»] Actual Age: Mid 20’s

[»] Date of Birth: 04/30

[»] Gender: male

[»] Sexuality: straight

[»] Place of Birth: the planet, Samarus

[»] Race/Species: Metalphoes

[»] Heritage: a necklace that has a small washer on it, he made one for his parents long ago, and was one of the things he’d keep when fleeing.

[»] Height: 5/10

[»] Weight: 155

[»] Build: Athletic, lean

[»] Skin Color: Brown

[»] Natural Eye Color: Black

[»] Natural Hair Color: White , light silver

 [»] Hair Length: Long, shoulder length

[»] Hair Style: straight in a pulled back ponytail, some strands of hair cover the left side of his face

[»] Defining Facial Features: Under the hair on the left side is simply a void, where his eye would be.


[>>] Family:


[»] Marital Status: Single

[»] Birth Father: Gauss Wells

[»] Birth Mother: Curie Wells

 [»] Siblings: N/A

[»] Best Friend: N/A


[>>] Personality: Polaris is a carefree and generally laid back person


[>>] Major Personality Traits:  charismatic, motivated, and driven.


[>>] Likes: Working on machinery, helping out patients,


[>>] Dislikes: His parents, not being able to find solutions to problems, organized gang violence.



[»] Bad Habits: irrational decisions

[»] Good Habits: kind hearted with a good head on his shoulders

[»] Best Memory: Too many from his time as a doctor.

[»] Worst Memory: losing his left eye and arm

[»] Proud Of: His creations.

[»] Temperament: Choleric , melancholic


[>>] Brief Biography: Polaris was born into a family of Doctors his Mother and Father, once he was of age the two of them decided they would teach him how to become like them, a doctor. But Polaris enjoyed tinkering with metals more than he did people and as a result his mind was often elsewhere when he would be learning. Eventually he figured out a way that he could combine the two in an attempt to make his parents happy, after a few years of their teaching he helped a patient who was missing a finger simply giving him a functioning metallic replacement.

 His parents didn’t approve on account the things that could go wrong with such a progress and talked his work down.  So he ran, not wanting to be held back by his parents no more, he ran to an abandoned building on the outskirts of downtown helping those in need, doing underground surgeries that he weren’t licensed for.

One night he heard some banging at his door, whilst he was working on his project, he told the knocker to come in. he wasn’t a stranger to late night patients. Multiple people came in but these weren’t patients. They all bum rushed towards Polaris and pinned him to his own operating table, with threats and things of the like, apparently he had helped a rival gangs enemy that they wanted dead.

Making sure that he got the memo that he should stop what he was doing before something bad happened they crudely sliced his left arm and eye, to leave a message. He would have died if it weren’t for the project he was working on. Small magnetic helpers floated about stitching and working on the hurt fellow.

More months passed and he hadn’t helped someone in what felt like forever when one day he heard screaming from outside not one, but it sounded like the whole planet. Running outside only to find that they were being invaded. Buildings got destroyed, many people were hurt, and he helped all he could. In a quick movement he was jerked from the person he was helping, it was by his helpers, pulling him and the person from danger he was then stuffed into his small space craft and launched into orbit, Just as he did a large construct had landed onto his home, where he was moments ago and with no hesitation began to wreak havoc on what was left of his new home. His assistants had saved his life and for that he was thankful. He was only saddened by the amount of people he couldn’t help but eventually he fell asleep in his craft as he flew away from his home planet…


[>>] Abilities:

Magnetic Force-Field

Magnetokinetic Constructs, including weapons, walls, armor or allies/servants.


Electronic Disruption

Magnetic Attacks

Magnetic Infusion

Sense magnetic fields, how they move and anything that moves/disturbs them.

Detect metallic objects, advanced users can track humans by iron in their blood.

Attraction & Repulsion

Electricity Manipulation - Conversely a changing magnetic field generates an electric field.

Magnetic Aura

Magnetic Projectile

Magnetikinetic Regeneration

Magnetikinetic Combat


[>>] Weapons:

*A metal walking stick that has an area to grip in the middle, the rest is all a malleable magnetic material that he shape into different tools/weapons. (he sometimes use these to walk on walls/ceilings

*Small diamond shaped robots with tiny hands follow him and move on command (like those little floating guns from gundam, these work via brain waves.)