


4 years, 5 months ago


General Information

Full Name:Imahn Powers

Meaning of Name: 






Relationship Status: Single

Sexual Orientation:Heteroflexible

Job/Profession:Royal guard

Societal Standing:


Disabilities: Amputee 

Place of Origin:Machina 

Place of Current Residence:Machina

Physical Description



Weight: 190 

Build: Cut,Toned

Tattoos/Markings: -

Scars: -

Missing Limbs: his right arm

Hair Color:Dark brown

Typical Hairstyle(s):Bun

Usual Hair Length:Middle of back

Facial Hair?:Shadow


Eye Color:An auric brown

Skin Tone:dark brown

Clothing (Typical Attire)


Torso:A cloth top with leather belts strapped across


Waist:black leather belt

Legs: Suede Spats,cloth trousers





Other Accessories:

Armour(If any)

Head:knight helm

Torso:curiass with one "sleeve" of armor for his normal arm.


Waist:drow belt

Legs:drow belt





Other Accessories:


Primary weapon

Weapon Type:Robotic appendage (arm)

Weapon Length:The same length of his other arm

Material Crafted From:


Ammunition: -

Enchantments: augmented strength,magnetic manipulation,rocket punch.

Special/Unique Properties: (If Any)

History: When he first became a royal guard he was only fighting with his one functional arm, but desguised it through what he wore,leading the others to believe he was just fighting one handed as a handicap, once the queen and others found out she had a robotic arm made for Imahn so he may fight to his fullest potential

Secondary weapon

Weapon Type:Sword

Weapon Length:43''

Material Crafted From:Nickle 

Name:Segmented Blade

Ammunition: -

Enchantments: -

Special/Unique Properties: Able to split apart and act as a whip or can be used as projectiles that Imahn can then control.

History: Was given to him upon becoming a Royal guard.

Tertiary weapon

Weapon Type:

Weapon Length:

Material Crafted From:


Ammunition: (If Any)

Enchantments: (If Any)

Special/Unique Properties: (If Any)

History: (If Known)

Fighting style 


History:The broadsword changed as the Middle Ages progressed.  Larger swords were needed for battle due to improved armor and fighting techniques. Smaller swords were worn as back-up weapons or as part of civilian dress. Two popular types of swords were the arming sword and falchion. The falchion could range from a simple sword to a larger battlefield weapon. As a general rule, arming swords were double-edged while falchions had a single edge.  They were only sharp for a few inches near the point.  The edge on the rest of the blade was about as sharp as a thin screwdriver.  Soldiers practiced frequently and were able to cut with that sort of edge.

Description of style: If the free hand was not holding a weapon, shield or buckler, it was just another target.  Medieval sword fighting was a realm of hitting any available target.  The empty free hand only came into play for two-hand sword use and grappling. 

The style of fighting involves plenty of movement. Men tried to evade, dodge, slip and out-maneuver their opponents. They would strike when a target was available, provided they would not make themselves vulnerable while doing so.  A Medieval fighter was a cautious and cunning combatant.

Powers and abilities

Physical skills/Abilities

-Strong from the training with the knights

-proficient inone handed combat,excells at two because of such.

-proficient in disarming.



-Magnetic fields

-Magnetokenetic constructs


-Magnetic infusion

-Detect metallic bodies(ex.iron in blood)

-Attraction/repulsion,Electricity manipulation

-Magnetikinetic combat

-Magnetikenetic regen

-Electronic disruption


Likes:fighting,eating,playing music

Dislikes:formal ocassions(just enjoys the fighting part of being a guard)

Beliefs:now way out? make one.



Motivation(s):His mother,th Queen

Fear(s):losing the Queen,losing another limb

Secret(s):Has a  thing for the Queen

Positive Traits



Negative Traits




Personality Description

Thick skulled and determined, this cocky asshole has quite the mouth on him and wont heisitate to offend someone,even if it isnt on purpose.


Family relationships

Name:Christina Powers

Relation to Character:Mother

Relationship with Character:

Current Status:Alive

Description:A kind and thankful woman who was very appreciative of they way she and her family lived despite their status. She havily believed that family was all you need.

Name: Damien Powers

Relation to Character:Father

Relationship with Character:

Current Status:Dead

Description:Felt and shared the beliefs of Christina, providing best he could for his family.

Personal Extrafamiliar relationships






Brief history

Imahn was born to a small upper lower family? consisting of his two parents he was an only child who was  supposed  to have a young sibling but because of complications he wast he only one that made it these same complications resulted in him losing his (tbd) arm unfortunately his parents didnt have the funds to get him a replacement. 

The young man grew up quite cold and bitterly despite his parents positive attitudes, it wasnt because he was particularly mad a anything or anyone except the situation he was in, The lack of an arm he had  hid under small cloaks his entire life,the living condition of his family,the loss of hi brother and soon the death of his father as soon as he could remember he recalled his father having heart troubles that were fatal.Determined to help his family he started going into town day after day lookin for a job to support his family eventually he found a flyer for a band of travelers that needed a body guard. He took the flyer and hung it in his home as a reminder,training day in an out to be the best  he could be even with his handicap the time finally came the ban was leaving and he was going  to leave with them.

Just as he was headed  into town he passed an alleyway robbery,three thugs ganging on a single female,he stopped to assess the situation before acting and taking the three out. he told the girl to run and was ready to leave. he had a job to do and he wasnt going to let some woman stop him. this woman happened to be the Queen of the machine kingdom, something he overlooked before she followed him to give her thanks.Upon closer inspection he finally realized who she was and gave an apology,although not to sincere he asked her if she needed anything,food water,etc. and invited her  for a bite,deciding he had time before the band left.

They talked and talked for hours before he realized he wasted more time than he expected. She was quite interesting to talk to and in the short time they became friends.

Imahn told her about the situation he was in and how he missed his chance to help his family.Alleha apologized and thought it over for a bit before suggesting an idea that imahn thought hed never be asked. She welcomed him into her home and convinced the guards to take him in and train him and once they noticed he was doing well he was doing and soon found out about his handicap, Alleha offered to fix that as well.she got her highest men to create a replacement suite for battle and give  it to her savior and now friend. 

Much time has passed since they met but he continues to support his now widowed mother,being more positive and enjoy his time in the company of the queen.