Basic Info


The Studio Star




Snowshoe Mix

Originally designed in


Current revamp


First Appears in

Strong Hearts Are Mandatory: Heart of Glass (book 1)


Studio is one of the most influential members of the Council of Media.

Refusing to work behind the scenes, Studio takes the responsibility of being Mayor of Clowder City very seriously, having led the team to have it built from the ground up. Being a compact colony that exclusively houses felines across the region, the city caused the population of domestic and wild cats alike soaring from the haven provided for them. Studio is a constant running leader, leaving the city only on occassion to motivate felines that haven't taken the offer of her refuge, as well as the other animals that aren't able to reside in her city. With the rank and resources she stands with, providing the ability to build anything, Studio often tries to make sure that everyone else that hadn't been blessed with her decendance benefit from her actions as much as she can.

Studio runs her life on bringing happiness to others, and isn't afraid of fighting to make the bigger, more widespread decisions to do it.