


4 years, 5 months ago


Name: Khuno

Acquired: 01/26/2020

Designer: InstantCoyote

Gender: Male

Species/Breed: Wolf / Shifter

Forms: Feral Wolf, Anthro, Human

Age: Early 20's

Status: Loner

Pinterest Board: Here

Personality: Khuno is a trickster. He likes to play jokes and pranks on others. Always one to bring life and laughter to any situation. He's still a bit young and a little immature. He's also cocky. He tends to act before fully thinking everything through. He struggles to ask for help even when he really needs it, and has to think of quick ways to help himself out of unfavorable situations because of it. He's good at thinking on his feet and very witty, clever, and sharp tongued. Khuno is always optimistic and likes to see the best in others until proven otherwise. He doesn't like to lie, but he will if he needs to in order to get himself out of a tough spot. Though, he never lies to family or friends for any reason. H'es loyal to those he's close to.

Khuno sings when he's alone, he adores music. He plays several instruments but not in front of others. He's not exactly shy, he just keeps it to himself because it's a real passion of his so he keeps it to himself and gives his all to it. He works in a record store a few days a week and a cafe on other days. He thoroughly enjoys both since he gets free music, coffee, and the ability to meet new people constantly. He's very friendly and enjoys meeting new people and making new friends.

Design Information: He is fully symmetrical. His ears have tufts on the tips. Decently fluffy all over. He has a long and lean body with well toned muscles that make him quick and agile. Large paws.

Backstory: Pending