Rhiannon Fenfiel



4 years, 4 months ago


✦ Basics

NameRhiannon "Rhia" Fenfiel
AgeTwenty Four
Home Nation
✦ Personality

Rhia is a fun-loving young woman, wanting to enjoy life to its fullest and all the pleasure it gives, whether it be vice or virtue, and simply enjoying having freedom. Her freedom and being who she wants to be is something that means the most to her. While she has a strong sense of duty, more than anything she has a strong sense of just living life and making the most of it. Having a good gamble and drink, feasting with others, getting into a good scrap, or even having a musical session with others are some of her favorite things to do and she can be seen most often doing if you come across her.  She also has a great love for music, a trait picked up from her mother, and loves to just sit, playing her Ocarina, whether for herself or for others, being someone who loves being around people and enjoys the company of others.  

However, the person Rhiannon is now is a far cry from the person her father tried to raise her to be. Coming from a noble family of Dace, she was raised to be prim, proper, and Pretty. To believe she was better than most and to act like the noble woman she was. Given a high education and better chances than most others, she turned out to be quite intelligent. She has a great deal of love for knowledge, having dived into learning Alchemy when she was younger after she left Dace, and will sit and study on learning new things or whatever work she has on hand. However, the life of a noble woman didn't suit Rhiannon and she wasn't afraid to say so.  A sharp-tongue and a blunt attitude, Rhia isn't afraid to speak her mind, catering more on being truthful and honest, even if it means being painfully blunt, but trying to avoid being cruel even in that aspect. Talking about her past in Dace, however, will get a sour mood out of her and she prefers not to talk about it. Those from Dace, at least those of high standing, will receive the coldest of attitudes from her.

✦ Likes
Having a good time
✦ Dislikes
Thinking of her past
Losing a game
Messing up her work
✦ Details












✦ Backstory

Rhiannon was born and raised on the island of wealth and beauty, Dace. However, her family wasn't some mother and father both of rich, influential, and noble standing who met, fell in love, and had a child they loved and cared for together. She wasn't raised by both her parents, they certainly weren't in love, and one of them wasn't of the noble standing of the island. In fact, Rhiannon's beginnings was one of the cruelest parts of the history of Dace. Her mother was of the Effendal race, a proud race who were oppressed and killed off for hundreds of years, and who also would find themselves at the hands of slavery to those of Dace. Such was the case with her mother, a slave to the head of a noble family who thought of her as a beautiful prize and treated her as something he owned as such. While he didn't love her mother, he coveted her and her beauty, and it was no surprise when she became pregnant with their child, Rhiannon, a time later. 

While her father may not have loved her mother, he did have some small bit of love for his daughter. Instead of allowing his daughter to be raised as a slave or someone of lower standing, her father took her from her mother to be raised as a young woman of the house. A proper young woman who would carry on the noble name and exude the beauty that fueled Dace and the families surrounding them. Of course she wasn't completely separated from her mother, still being allowed to see her, and her mother nurtured and loved her just the same as any true mother would. The dislike her mother had for her father never passed onto her, and it was only through her mother that she felt true familial love. Her other taught her things about their Race and even how to play one of the few possessions she had, an Ocarina cast in the shape of a wing. She was allowed to be herself and speak her mind with her mother. 

Her father, however, raised her as a noble woman, a presence that had to be perfect, and a sense of self that had to look down on those who had and were less than they were. As she got older, she dug her heels further and further in, refusing to act up to the nobility being forced on her. She wasn't afraid to tell her father everything she saw wrong with Dace; the slavery with her own mother being a part of it, treating those less fortunate they were so cruelly, the "tradition" of the masks to do bad things and then feel immediately resolved of the wrong they had done, among other things. Not only was she not afraid to tell her father, but she had no issues telling others of Dace as well. It didn't take long for gossip to spread about her and the family name of her father's and her family to be called into question. At sixteen years old, her father gave her an ultimatum of shaping up and doing as she was told and was raised to be, or she would be disowned and forced out. A choice that was an easy one for her to make. Before leaving her home for good, Rhiannon met with her mother, who praised her daughter for her willingness to stand up for herself and for her freedom, something she wished she could do. Knowing it would perhaps be the last time the two saw each other, they spent as much time as they could, before her mother passed onto her the musical instrument that had been so important to them both as she had grown, and Rhiannon was forced to leave for good. 

It didn't take long for her to find her path in a way off of Dace, leaving the island behind for good, and heading to Tear to start her own life and have her own adventures. Upon arriving, she found a master alchemist who was more than willing to take the young girl under his wing. From her chances for education in Dace, it didn't take long for her to latch onto the things he had begun to teach her.

✦ Inventory
Wing Ocarina
Belonged to her mother who taught her to play, worn around her neck almost 24/7.
(Varying sizes)
Contain a variety of bases, mixes, and powders for her apothecary/alchemy work.
NameCurabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum.
✦ Trivia
Rhiannon is a D&D character based on the LARP game Twin Mask Twin Mask
Fenfiel is her mother's last name, refusing to use her father's name. 
● She received her own Dacian mask as a young teen but she got rid of it in the ocean when leaving Dace. 
When it comes to the tribes and houses of the Effendal, she only knows stories from her mother, not feeling she has a true place among their race. 
The tips of her ears are pointed, showing a little bit of her Effendal blood. 

profile html by Hukiolukio