


7 years, 7 months ago



Alternate Name(s): Ray

Gender: Nonbinary

Weapon of choice: Guns

Age: 21~

Sexuality: Pansexual

Personality: Fun-loving and entirely free-wheeling, Adele is constantly on the hunt for adventure, and the chance to share their adventures with every possible person they meet (be they adventures in bed or actual dungeon runs/missions/what have you.) Adele is a nice person, don't get them wrong, but they can be complete sass and a showoff most of the time, hotheaded and sometimes impatient, if not also a bit stubborn. They like to take the quickest solution, not often thinking it through to see if it's the most strategic or safe one. Always looking to improve their moves and always looking to wow the next person in line with their current skills, Adele is a fiery individual who will happily lead the charge into battle with new friends and a thirst for adventure and fun any day.

History: Possibly works as a stunt choreographer? Comes from a very money-tight Polish family and is very-well versed in making sure they get the best deal when it comes to shopping. Grew up in a household of four to start--mom, dad, little sister and themself--but father ended up coming home less and less till he ran off with another woman when Adele was around 13. After that, mother's older sister came to live with them for support, and stays there today with Adele's little sister still in the house. Around the age of 13 or 14 Adele started becoming rebellious and wearing clothes for different genders and different styles, and because of Adele's differences, their mother and aunt have since broke contact with and refuse to talk to them, which really bothers Adele even though they won't admit it. May be paired with Spike Sutton and/or Lectyr/Jackson.