Kunie (01 | Loving Embers)




Loving Embers

Loving Embers
Age Difference 1 year
Height Difference 4 inches
Nicknames Mitsuri, Mitsu, Mikan
Kunie, Kuni
Current Status
Status Romantic Partners
Status TBA
Children N/A

Awwwh I'd marry Kunie if we were permitted to though!!! It's so hard because we're both Pillars and super duper busy! I don't even see her as often anymore!!!


Loving Embers (愛する残り火) is the pairing between Kunie Wakatsuki and Mitsuri Kanroji.


They met when Kyojuro Rengoku, Kunie's adoptive brother, took in Mitsuri as his Tsuguko. She had initially assumed that Kyojuro was going to take Mitsuri in as his wife (and "jokingly" expressed jealousy that he was going to take in such a beautiful wife), only to be shocked that no, she was to be his Tsuguko. Mitsuri's inredibly passionate and personable personality had immediately caught Kunie's attention, as such a sweet girl was to join the Demon Slayers. It was also incredibly ridiculous hearing Mitsuri's reasons for joining in the first place, and when hearing of her strength, challenged her to a sparring match, only to be overpowered by Mitsuri's naturally ludicrous strength.

It did not take them long to become friends, both their open and warm personalities meshing well. It was no secret that Kunie was interested from the start, going as far as to even jokingly threaten Kyojuro that she'll strangle him as he knows her romantic inclinations towards women, and he took in an incredible girl, too! However; Kunie sort of halted her own advances to Mitsuri upon learning that Iguro Obanai had developed feelings for Mitsuri just as she did. Understanding that Obanai has had it rough his whole life, growing up with him in the Rengoku household for their later childhood, she decided to step back for a little and let him have time with Mitsuri.

However; Obanai felt that Kunie was pitying him and was bitter that she just didn't continue pursuing Mitsuri just because of him. Kunie didn't want to stop courting Mitsuri; however, this was Iguro's chance to have a sense of normalcy and maybe give him a chance to settle down. She was more than willing if it was Iguro. He wasn't having any of it, and admitted that despite being close to her himself, he feels unworthy of her. His one request of Kunie was that if she does succeed in having Mitsuri's hand, is that she should make her happy. Kunie, knowing where Iguro's feelings are rooted, apologized for this strain in their relationship, but again, he wasn't having it. Kunie was a friend, close enough to be a sister, he trusted her to make Mitsuri happy in his stead.

It was difficult to get past Iguro's feelings towards the situation, and Kunie decided to calm down in her attempts to woo Mitsuri. For a bit, she stayed as her friend, slowly making it known to her physically and emotionally that she was interested. Here, Mitsuri was still rather oblivious to Kunie's feelings, but she was rather giddy over how warm and loved she felt around the other woman. The affection and attention Mitsuri got from Kunie made her think of how she would like to be treated if she found love, which made her realize just how Kunie was treating her. From that alone, and considering how personally close they had become, Mitsuri had developed a huge crush on Kunie. However; she didn't want to be mistaken and rejected again, so she instead reciprocated Kunie's affections through her actions.

Kunie wasted no time in being cliche and showy when she confessed her feeling to Mitsuri, thinking about the "most romantic" thing that would make her squeal in joy. She really took the time to choose the perfect scenery, time of day, and she made sure Mitsuri was available then. Extremely touched by how much effort Kunie put into her confession and realizing that yes, she was being courted this whole time, Mitsuri was happy to reciprocate the feeling wholeheartedly and exctedly. Mitsuri was happy that she did find love and acceptance in the Demon Slayers, even though she and Kunie would not be able to see each other so often.


If it makes you happy, we can run away. HEY!!! I'M JOKING- FUCK'S SAKE, Mitsuri, calm down!!!


Very lovey dovey, very affectionate, and very open! Kunie and Mitsuri share an almost picturesque relationship where it seems almost perfect despite being in the Demon Slayers. Mitsuri treats Kunie more like a spouse than just a significant other, and as Kunie is the more level headed one between the two of them, always makes sure that Mitsuri doesn't become too overbearing with others. Neither really hide that they are together. Mitsuri is the more vocal one while Kunie will happily talk about their relationship if it's brought up in any shape or form. They're shameless in a sense that they are rather public about each other, but it doesn't really change their relationship. It's mostly because that's just how Mitsuri is, and Kunie just wants to talk about her significant other. Both are very physically affectionate, Mitsuri moreso, as she will not hesitate to kiss and hug Kunie whenever she gets the chance to!

Mitsuri said this once and she will always say it: she's very happy to have such a strong partner who does not belittle her person nor rely too much on her. Kunie meets her in the middle, or at least does her best to, as on many occasions Kunie simply cannot understand nor keep up with her immediately. The effort Kunie goes through because she loves her makes Mitsuri happier than usual, and she will never shy away from telling others how blessed she is to have Kunie. She holds onto Kunie's confession and carries it with her everywhere! She's found love, this is the person she loves, and she will not be afraid to show it if Kunie is within the immediate vicinity!

Kunie holds Mitsuri very close to her heart. Her girlfriend is love incarnate and despite being a lax person who doesn't think about things too seriously, Mitsuri's energy and presence will always chase out any doubt in her mind. She's a very here and now person when it comes to love, which is why she never really touched on settling down with Mitsuri. Even though Kunie has a hard time catching up with and understanding Mitsuri on occasion, she knows that Mitsuri is just being her true self and that there are things she cannot change about her. She herself doesn't like being too tied down, so she won't force the same thing on Mitsuri. Kunie greatly treasures the love and joy Mitsuri brings to her, and if she was asked about it, she'd really say she's experienced more happiness in the short time she was with Mitsuri than anything else.

Both being Pillars, they have plenty of trust in each other and despite still worrying about the others' safety and possible slip ups, death isn't something they think about when it comes to one another. Between the two of them, it's Mitsuri who is more open to telling the other to always take care and to come back home safe. After Kyojuro's death, both have begun to accept the reality that they are not safe, and thus Kunie's protectiveness has started to show in their relationship. Even if she knows that Mitsuri is stronger than her, she will not hesitate to be Mitsuri's last line of defense even if it cost her life. Mitsuri is well aware of Kunie's self destructive tendencies when she's going out of her way for someone, and honestly still tries to keep Kunie from getting herself hurt and will not let her girlfriend sacrifice herself. Her duty as Pillar also extends to Kunie, whom she vows to protect just like the rest of the Demon Slayers.


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  • Kunie still thinks about Iguro's feelings towards Mitsuri, and is happy enough to let him spend time with her.
  • Kunie has just accepted that she cannot change the fact that Mitsuri just loves everyone. It took a bit to make her get used to it, but now it's something endearing she thinks about Mitsuri.
  • Kunie's view on some people have changed after hearing how Mitsuri sees them, and more often than not, she thinks its Mitsuri changing these people due to her very amiable personality.
  • Mitsuri once said that she wonders if it would be okay for Kunie to disguise herself as a man so that they can get married. Kunie loved the idea, but she's not ready to settle down.
  • Mitsuri always sends long, long letters to Kunie about what she sees, experiences and how she wishes Kunie was there to enjoy things with her.
  • Due to Mitsuri's ridiculous constitution, Kunie has an incredibly hard time carrying her. Mitsuri, on the other hand, can lift Kunie like it's nothing.
  • Kunie once joked to Mitsuri that they should elope. Mitsuri overreacted and almost cried.
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Profile by Erandia
Edted by Glasses-Dog