Judas (Judas (Arsonist AU))



4 years, 4 months ago


Name: Judas Chick Age: 19

Orientation: Bi

Personality: Judas is the epitome of destructive. He loves to break, destroy and bring harm to whatever he feels like. He's nihilistic and cynical in nature and despises Christianity with a burning passion, literally.

Bio: Judas was born to his parents and promplty given up for adoption at a year old. He spent his life in a Catholic orphanage, being forced to attend mass and pray several times a day. When his rebellious nature encouraged him to misbehave, he was either sent to talk with the priest or headmaster of the orphanage or forced to repent in violent, inhuman ways. When Judas was 16, he was caught burning his bible and was pinned to the floor until he repented. Outraged at the incident, Judas escaped his room in the night and set fire to the bibles in the chapel, inevitably setting half the orphanage on fire. Among the chaos, Judas fled the orphanage and swore to destroy any religious fodder in his path. Since then he's been on the run in the southwestern US, becoming enamored with fire and setting fire to several churches, houses of Christians, and anything else he wanted to. He's still on teh run but has never been identified by the police.