Bones, The Necrodancer



4 years, 5 months ago


Bones B. Wickham

The Necrodancer

A persons of Novalisian and Aridian decent Bones was born with unique challenges, his family cursed with stone expressions and he himself being cursed further still with an unstable form, resulting in a glitch form due to his Aridian genetics. His skeleton like appearance during his glitching episodes have resulted in a the title "The Skeleton Glitch", which is very frequently used as an alias during his work with the aridian underground. 

As one of their two best broom riders, he and his partner Kitty, spend the majority of their time finding new recruits and resources in an attempt to stop the quell. They travel far beyond their boarders and spend most of their time completing quests of the messenger and courier varieties. Though they do occasionally find time to go on dates in some rather spooky places. This can lead to them getting in rather tricky situations thankfully adventurers usually find them before anything too terrible happens. A real shame honestly...