kai (questionairre)



4 years, 4 months ago



First Name: Kai

Middle Name: Jasper

Last Name: Louise

Alias/Nickname(s): "Kai the Cutie Pie" (Nickname given by Whitney)

Gender: Female

DOB: January 17th

Age: 18

Species: Human

Place of Birth: Norwich, United Kingdom

Nationality: English

Race: Black

Occupation: Frequently changes jobs

Abridged Backstory: imagine actually writing an abridged backstory lmfao


Skin Colour: Dark bronze

Hair Colour/Length/Style: Medium, messy, dark brown

Eye Colour: Brown

Approx. Height: 5' (152 cm)

Approx. Weight: 110 lbs (49 kg)

Body Type: Skinny/petite

Clothing Style/Favourite Outfit(s): Miss-matched and colourful clothes. She typically wears baggy, pastel hoodies along with leggings, occasionally with a skirt on top. She wears uggs with her outfits, and occasionally hair clips.

Other Markings: None

Detailed Physical Description: Kai has a very skinny but round face, with small, upturned brown eyes. She has a small nose, and thin lips, with a notable gap in her front teeth. She has really messy and unkept hair, usually leaving it in whatever she wakes up with. She's very thin and tiny, to the point that her frame's almost child-like.


Character Alignment: Neutral good

Disposition: Passive-aggressive

Quirks: She has a tendency to swear a lot when getting nervous, and will even stutter at times.

Passive or Aggressive: Aggressive

Positive Character Traits: Laidback, trusting, funny

Negative Character Traits: Impatient, moody, threatening

What (mentally) Drives Them Forward: Her natural ambitious tendencies

What (mentally) Keeps Them Down: She's very self concious and it makes her over think a lot of things

Biggest goal/dream: Getting into a good college to become a teacher

How they're going to achieve it: Obsessive studying habits, assuring she gets the best grades possible in school by any means necessary

Worst fear/nightmare: Failing in life

How they try to avoid it: Constantly pushing herself past her physical and mental boundaries so that she can be the best at what she does.


Hobbies: Volleyball, reading, studying, running/jogging

What fascinates them the most: Very specific but not very well known facts about things

What they care about the least: things that 'waste time', like social media or impractical hobbies

Bile Fascination(s): Her friend Whitney, and the constant flirting from her

Phobia(s): Atychiphobia (fear of failure)

Irrational fear(s): She's very scared of, or very uncomfortable by other women.

Moral beliefs/disbeliefs: She believes that there's no need to be polite all the time. She also believes that pettiness towards certain people is justified.

Dream Job: Psychology teacher/professor

Likes: Books, chilling with her friends, poetry, clashing colours, thrifting

Dislikes: The dark, being told to calm down, being touched, greyscale

Talent(s): Kai's a very fast typist and reader, and is also very talented with cooking.

Things they just can't do: Understand technology


They failed an important test: Instant meltdown. She'd fall into depression and probably go into hiding for a bit.

They got everything they wanted for their birthday: She hates celebrating her birthday, but she'd still be grateful.

They stepped in something yucky: It wouldn't be a big deal to her, just a quiet 'ew'.

They got into a fight with their best friend: If she got in a fight with her friends she'd probably disappear for a while, needing to build up the courage to apologise.

They disappointed someone they look up to: She'd feel awful about it, and try desperately to make up for it.

They baked a cake but accidentally dropped it on the floor: Existential crisis and dissociation would hit her. She'd quietly clean it up and probably mope about it later.

They were dealing with a bully: She'd have her friend Madison deal with them. She usually doesn't stand up for herself, so she relies on her friend.

They confessed a dark truth: She'd pretend it was a joke afterwards, depending on the others' reaction.

They tried to lie about Something Important: She's horrible at lying. She gets really antsy about it, and usually can crack under pressure.

They were accepting an award in front of a huge crowd: She'd try to be humble, but couldn't help but let it get to her ego a bit.

They found out the Wi-Fi (or other life necessity) wasn't working: The only reason she'd want her wifi back is so that she could study more.

They were playing a game that they just can't win: She'd swear a lot, and end up quitting.

They were offered food that they didn't like: She'd still accept it. Anything's edible to her.

They didn't like their friend's outfit: She'd tell them in the most sugar-coated way possible that it didn't look good, and would offer polite advice.

They found out that someone was better than them at their special talent: Deep depression. She'd probably distance herself from that person a lot.

They found $100 on the street: She'd pocket it, but feel bad afterwards.

They found out they had only a week left to live: She'd just spend a lot of time with her friends.

They directly caused someone's life to be significantly worse: She'd feel absolutely horrible, and cut herself off from that person to avoid making it even worse.

They were forced to make a split second decision between saving themselves and saving someone else: Depends who's at risk. If it's not someone she's close with, herself. If it's someone she's known for a while, the other person.

They got to meet their favorite celebrity: She'd freeze up, and try to talk to them without seeming weird.

They got rude service at a restaurant: She'd just accept it, and then complain once she was out of the restaraunt.

They missed an occasion they were looking forward to: She would stay up at night thinking about it, and feeling like an idiot for missing out on it.

Their car (or other life necessity) got stolen: She'd do her best to act like it wasn't a big deal, and try to live life without it.

Their beliefs were challenged: She'd stay calm, and try to argue her point. However, she'd get increasingly more frustrated until it turned into more personal insults.

Someone confessed to them about a dark truth that could break them if anyone found out: She'd do her best to keep it a secret, but if someone tries to ask her for this type of information she'd break under pressure.

Someone close to them died: She'd ghost everyone for a while to try and come to terms with it.

Someone they didn't know/like confessed their love to them: She'd just tell them to fuck off.

Someone was annoying them: She'd just stay quiet about it, and hope that someone else would step in on her behalf.

Someone tripped in a public place: She'd just keep her head down and walk past.

Someone had them at gunpoint: She'd just freeze up, and out of sheer shock not have any sort of reaction.

Someone kidnapped someone close to them: She would freak out, and end up doing something dumb on impulse.