


4 years, 3 months ago


Ashlen Fluffypants
Age 574
Sign Aries
Birthday April 20th
Height Average
Gender Male
Pronouns He/Him
Species Fae
Theme The Moss
Orient. Uncertain
Status Single
Significant Other n/a
Personality Stats
Domestic Life
Home Fluffypants Manor
World Fluffypants Universe
Job Father
Worth n/a
Type Main
Status Active
Creator MightbeMagic
It's him, the weedman himself.

Ashlen is a trickster fae who was adopted into the Fluffypants family. He is the biological father of Apollo and Bacchus Fluffypants, and is descended from the noble fae family the Froiland. In his younger years before living at the manor, he traveled Europe and Asia in search of a place that felt like home.


Ashlen is a larger man with a stout appearance. His hair is a medium shade of mauve and his eyes are lavender. As a Fluffypants, he dresses in clean-cut suit pants and vests with pastel undershirts.

When he transforms into his fae form, his eyes become slitted and golden. His leylines are a pale gold, and his wings are large butterfly-like wings that fade from white to gold. They glitter in light, and glow slightly in the dark.

When he was traveling, his clothing was more layers of scraps. Due to cutting off his family when he left on his own, he had to scrounge together what he could, thus a very mismatched and threadbare shirts and coat, simple pants and boots, and several scarves.

Design Notes:
  • Please do not forget the chub
  • Young!Ashlen is also chubby, but his muscles were more defined.


Uh, weed.

Ashlen's very sweet and gulliable so it's pretty easy to trick him into doing things for you. However, if you push it too far, it will break his trust and its near impossible to earn that back - its why he left his birth family in the first place. He alwasy uses full titles for others unless they insist strongly for nicknames. While Ashlen is not terribly useful in a fight, he is quite strong still and very protective of his family. He will throw down and take a hit.


  • Does in fact have weed plants.
  • Has "died" multiple times and is kinda over it. Resurrection makes one bolder
  • He's not a demon, but the Fluffypants has adopted him into the family.
  • Always refers to family members by their full name unless they really insist on a nickname
  • (He likes making them sound fancy)
  • Absolutely tries to vape, and fails
  • He collects teeny intricate spoons
  • Ashlen tried to hide one (1) of his "special" plants in Bacchus's garden and found shreds of it in front of his bedroom door the next day
  • The actual plant was fine, those were just portions of the plant that needed to be trimmed
  • is really good at baking :)
  • woke up with a horrible hangover holding Bacchus. can't process this still
  • Prefers to be called Uncle Ashlen (or Father/Dad by Bacchus and Apollo)
  • Is kinda endeared by the weird shit the clan does "that's nice, [name]"
  • He was unaware that he is faefolk
  • has a "nude portrait" that bacchus commissioned as a joke but hes entirely ripped and theres a covneivent plant in front of the bits. he loves the idea of it, doesnt know how to feel about the actual thing
  • it was stashed in a closet he does not know where anymore and he does not wish to know
  • Now Maxie Has It


  • Guilt tripping

Skills & Abilities

"Natural Strength"
Ashlen is quite strong, both from being fae, and also because he does actually work out and such. He thinks its important to be healthy.



Apollo Fluffypants | Son
Ashlen is still trying to process how he managed to have a child older than himself, but he's starting to lean towards just trying not to think about it. He cares dearly for his newfound son, even if he doesn't quite understand.
Bacchus | Child
Ashlen is terrified of the idea of having a child because of the whole taking care of a babay thing, but luckily Bacchus came out of the box as a young child instead. He's still terrified because he can't commprehend how any of this works, but he's delighted to raise children of his own, even if this one's a horrible little trouble maker.
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