Chalico (SOLD)



4 years, 5 months ago


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Name: Chalico


Full Name: Chalico Ophilo


Gender: Male/Stallion


Species: N/A


Breed: N/A


Age: >10,000 years


Mate: N/A


Breeding slots: N/A


Discipline/Rank: Angelic Scout


Personality: Sharp-tongued and jealous


Appearance: Sooty grey pinto with a narrow stripe and broken snip. Cropped and decorated blonde tail. Blonde braided/threaded mane with gold accessories. Golden jewelry adorns his body. Dark umber spiraled horns, and piercing mint eyes.


Backstory: Not much is known before Chalico was sent to earth to try and stop Seilah Larcade, a powerful warrior of Hell. Along his journey and confrontations, he sacrificed his wings to seal Seilah’s true powers away, a mark left on her shoulders. Although his selfless act was heroic and his bravery unmatched, heaven closed its gates, forbidding him to return until he gained his wings once more. Feeling expendable and used by Heaven’s forces, Chalico left, in search of Seilah to kill her, and rejoin his fellow friends in the skies above. His heart grew bitter and his confidence lacked, making him into a formidable enemy for any who cross him.

Bought by a user who does not have TH, holding him here for archive purposes