
4 years, 4 months ago


(He's not my favourite but It looks really sad when he's in his own folder all alone.)
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Height: 5'8 ft
Nationality: French  

- Blue roses
- Talking business
- Money
- Gold
- Fancy foods
- His job

- Being asked for money
- Fast Foods
- Someone rivalling his business
- His brother
- Branding such as Supreme 

About: After years of hard work, dedication and watching his brother fail. He made it at the top after his parents granted him the spot as the boss of the company "RosoCity" owner of multiple restaurants. Slowly becoming more cocky with each pasting day as the business keeps rising.
Blaize, personality wise, is completely different from Claud (His older brother). Blaize is more strict and can work under pressure, he's much more smarter than Claud and can actually flirt when he wants too. Though unlike Caud, he doesn't have many friends. He only hangs around with other rich people but barely any of the people he talks to actually becomes his friend, more of a 'maybe this person could be a decent business partner'.  
Something else to keep note of is that it seems Blaize is like his own bodyguard. whenever someone getting on his nerves or threats him, he WIlLL tackle them. Well after taking off his blazer and rolling up his blouse sleeves.

Some lil extra info:
- He love blue roses, he doesn't know why but if something has blue roses on it, he'll immediately love it. So that's always a go-to when getting him a gift.
- If he does get someone a gift that either he doesn't like or just can't be bothered with, he makes that person pay the amount of money he spent on the gift
- If you dare to bring up Claud with Blaize he will either shrug you off, say he doesn't have a brother or tell you to shut up.