Captain DeRochefort



4 years, 5 months ago


bastard undead pirate captain. thinks he saw an angel once and it revealed to him the meaning of existance itself. has a mean ass owl. not above torturing people. thinks everythings ugly and wears shades so he doesnt have to see as much of it. Body of a sasquatch, face of an owl. Superstitious as hell. grumbles n mumbles under his breath constantly. likes being the little spoon.

Misc bullshit points.

--- Gay, about 5'7, male, but dips his toe into genderfluid around his late thirties.
--- Cancer zodiac sign.
---Owl: basically at first he just runs into it here n there on land, it doesnt like immediately attach itself to him( its still a wild animal, and a predator, and is even less of a pet than wolves or large felines). But especially at first, it sticks around and he tosses it some meat when it shows up. It follows him when he sets out on some voyage on accident and the ship goes out too far for it to fly back when it finally realizes this. And thats when he starts attempting to lure it closer and like land on his arm and stuff. Maybe around the time when he gets his first crew. So it takes him the better part of a decade to get it to stay with him and somewhat listen to him.

---Has an on again, off again fling with an older japanese whaler named Jun, through random happenstance meetings at ports & Malo excitedly flagging down any ship he sees flying the japanese flag. They met during one of Malo's  sailor jobs & worked the same ship for a while. Malo was one of the few people to give the man the time of day & they soon struck up a friendship, which quickly turned more intimate. Through Jun Malo learns about japanese culture, various games the two of them play to pass the time & even some language lessons.

---Though Pascal now sees beyond religion n all that, hes still massively superstitious as a sailor, and also still holds onto the old symbols and rituals as he grew up in a pretty traditional christian farmer family. Sorta like believing in the primordial powers they represented. he still likes calling on saints and all that. Plus, it keeps the other sailors happy and gives them something to bond over.
Bases quite a lot of his non-sailing related decisions on signs and superstitions, too… Like predicting the weather, or evading certain places or things because he thinks its bad luck, etc.

---think caps also on the sloppier/grosser side cus he cares so little. so also. will like, just, scratch his empty eyesocket in public. really get his finger in there.

---I like the contrast of him feeling the world as bleak, but having like a tooon of adventurous n exciting voyages. Always has a crazy story to surprise you with. Knowledgable in folk tales and various lore as well. Ol timey astronomy, all that sort of stuff.

---saints: st anne,maturinus, st nichlas