


4 years, 8 months ago


Serifae Species are owned by Faeskies

Name: Myseria
Age: Aeon
Sex: Female
Gender: Demigirl (She/They)
Sexuality: Asexual
Height: 4'4''
Residence: None (Travels)

Standard Eyes (C)
Fox Ears (C)
Long Unicorn Tail (UC)

Accessories: Assortments of rings, bracelets, bangles, and other jewelry that she occasionally seems to change out. She almost always is wearing the bell on her tail.

Personality: Myseria is an adventurous soul and she enjoys traveling across the land and she has trouble remaining in one spot for one time as her heart yearns to travel. She is normally a rather quiet person, often refusing to talk with most people, and even ignoring them. Which leads to people to think that she is just plain rude or snoody, which is not the case, she just has trouble making personal connections with people, and she absolutely hates small talk so she just avoids it, she likes to be left alone to her own devices. However the only time she is ever chatty is when she is bartering wares at her shop, she enjoys the art of the trade and has quite the silver tongue form years of practice. She loves to sell and trade items and over the years she has gained quite the skill for it, she has traded goods small and large, only ever keeping a few items that catch her eye, but also because she doesn't want to be burdened down when she leaves to the next place. She has a mild phobia of cursed and unlucky things and people, so she will go out of her way to avoid them, and she will never buy an item that she has heard might be cursed.

Backstory: Myseria was raised in in a family that was always on a move, it was rare that they'd stay in one place for very long. Her family seemed to know someone from everywhere they visited and they were always willing to help them out if needed, and they would always return the favor. Her family loved to talk with other people but Myseria found that she preferred to stay in the background and not talk with people, she never really liked idle chatter and conversations were hard outside of her immediate family. However her family pushed her to talk with other people, and her conversational skills slowly grew better, though she still dislikes it. She would stay with her family for a great many years before deciding to stake out on her own, she still does run into them on occasion. Traveling on her own was harder then she thought it was going to be, but she still loved it. She could go wherever she wanted whenever she wanted. One year she would be caught in a storm and she would be given shelter by a kindly serifae, and to repay his kindness she would help him at his shop. Myseria would unintentionally stay there for a few weeks as she grew a fascination with the art of the trade and the kindly serifae would show her the basics to get her started. Least to say she wasn't the best barter when she started out but on her years of traveling and trading she would grow quite the silver tongue and has traded a great many things over the years and she doesn't plan on stopping in the foreseeable future.

Fun Facts:
Her favorite color is red, and that tends to be the color of clothing that she wears the most
With how she walks and moves it almost seems as if the bell on her tail is without sound, however there are times where she'll flick her tail in a certian way where the bell will chime, normally it is used to irritate people that she has been arguing with
She likes to travel at night as she prefers to use the stars to navigate across the land
She has a deep fascination with Arcane and spirit magics, though she'll never admit it