
4 years, 5 months ago


Title: Archaic Vita
Name: Sahar (meaning 'just before dawn')
Companion: Skeletal Serpent Spirit
Ears: Cropped Long (Rare)
Tail: Saluki (Uncommon)
Coat Type: Imperial: Archaic Vita (Very Rare)
Coat Length: Maned Fur (Legendary)
Special Traits: Saber Fangs (Mutation)
Eyes: Green Glow (Very Rare)
Imperial Blood: Metallic Rose Gold (Very Rare)

1 breeding slot reserved for Scar!

It's a tough thing to rise, a hard and ugly thing. To bear your blood and bone and skin and self to a sun that does not see you in a world that does not hear you. but like the sun, you will rise. like the world, you will move. unlike both, you will see and you will hear and you will live and you will love. it is a wonderful thing to see the sun rise. im tired too.

Like the world, you will move.
You have nothing left to prove;
I know, I'm tired too.
Like the sun, you will rise,
Don't act so surprised;
You aren't the only thing that dies.

first, there is a rock in the road a shade different than the others. a shape that suggests it was broken from a larger, manmade whole. you think, i am here, in this. later, there will be a plant pushing through the ruins of a building. it is in the shade, and the rain does not reach it. you think, i am here, in this. later, there is a light, flickering in the window of a house that is not yours. it dances to the laughter you can hear inside and you do not feel jealous. you think, i am here, in this. now, there is you, and there is a rock you picked up because you liked the way the light caught it. now, there is a plant you bought because it was the worst looking one in the store. now, there is the tinny laughter of a show you do not watch on a radio you do not listen to. later, there is a crooked skeleton on the side of the road. the vultures have already had their fill and the fungus is setting in and it looks peaceful. you think, i am here, in this. // now, there is a snake skeleton missing some ribs and part of its tail but it still coils proudly above your bed.

now, you are home.