Kealani Veut



4 years, 5 months ago


Kealani Veut

23 ✦ Female ✦ First Mate



Kealani grew up on a large island with her mother. She never knew her father, but always heard stories about him from her mother. She lived a quiet life, selling various products and food with her mother in her shop to get by. Her mother pushed her to become a healer, so she would often learn healing magic in the island's monastary with other potential healers. While she longed for a more exciting life, she also didn't complain about what she had, realizing how hard her mother worked to give her everything she needed. It wasn't until she encountered pirates that she got the excitement she asked for.

A group of sailors came to her, hearing that she was a healer. The knew they would be traveling in dangerous waters, so she agreed to go despite the dangers. While on the ship, many of the crew treated her with disregard, especially since having a woman on the ship was bad luck. When a pirate ship attacked the vessel they even offered her up as a sacrifice to leave the vessel alone. That was when Lani met the captain of The Banshee, a drow man with a bright green eye. To her surprise, instead of killing her on the spot, he generously offered her a place among his crew. She was hesitant at first, but excitedly accepted.

Most of the crew were wary of having a woman aboard the ship, but she quickly proved herself to be a hard worker. During a particularly hard battle for the crew, the firstmate made an error in his orders, making the captain furious. In the heat of the moment he made Kealani the firstmate, a position a she has kept ever since. This has caused some tensions among the crew, but nothing she hasn't proven to be able to handle.


Kealani is a beautiful genasi woman. She has seafoam green skin and bright orange eyes that are almost calming. Her hair is made of bright blue water what flows when she moves, and gets whiter at the tips. Because of this the area about her and sometimes her clothes are wet. When angry, her hair tends to foam and roll like sea waves. Atop het head she wears a black gold lined tricorn hat, previously the quartermasters’. She wears a brown leather corset over a beige cotton shirt, with matching long black leather gloves over her arms. Around her waist hangs a crude orange skirt thats ripped at the ends, which is fastened but a gold circlet. She wears black trousers that tuck into a pair of brown leather boots that tie in the back.


"The sea is far more exciting than you may know."

  • Excitement
  • Helping Others
  • The Sea
  • Swimming
  • Storms
  • Quiet Life
  • Monastaries
  • The Quartermaster
  • Land
  • Insults

Selwyn Zorander

The captain of The Banshee. He found Kealani and offered her a position among his crew, and promoted her to be his firstmate. He trusts her with his life and crew, and often looks to her for advice on decisions he isn't sure about.


The former firstmate of The Banshee. He harbors a grudge against Kealani for taking his position, and will often rant about her when she is out of earshot. She is often quick to put him in his place despite his age.

profile html by Hukiolukio