Valerie Flamingo



4 years, 4 months ago



Valerie Flamingo






Homoromantic Demisexual


6” ft







Valerie Flamingo is a model who lives on the surface of the planet Xygoroth. Ironically enough, despite being cute and nice, she's actually not that smooth when it comes to conversations! She may be able to pose and do well during photoshoots and commercials, and there's usually an air of confidence around her whenever she's underneath the spotlight, but once the cameras are turned off and it's break time, Valerie is actually pretty socially awkward as a peron and would prefer to keep to herself if she's around people she's not that familiar with.

She'll usually cling to her friends and/or girlfriend whenever she's meeting new people or acquaintances. It can take a while to warm up to her, especially since she doesn't know how to recollect her composure if it's for anything that's not related to work.


Valerie is a flustered mess who doesn’t know how to form words half the time. She’ll usually just stutter, stammer, laugh nervously, ramble, or allow for a moment of silence to stretch out longer than necessary whenever she’s talking to someone she doesn’t know all that well. Sometimes, even when she’s around friends or her girlfriend, she’ll do this whenever she feels anxious.

She never really got a chance to properly interact with her peers as a kid, and by the time she did start socializing with other kids in high school, she ended up hanging around the wrong crowd. She still has some trust issues that she’s working on resolving to this day, but overall it’ll take some time for her to truly feel comfortable around someone.

She’s also working on not being as much of a pushover anymore. She’s still very sweet, upbeat, and understanding as a person, but she’s trying to set some boundaries for herself. If she doesn’t feel comfortable being around you, then she’ll at least muster up the courage to admit it.

Lastly, she’s sensitive of spooky things and violence. She wishes she weren’t such a scaredy cat, she’s aware that the world is a dangerous place and it can’t be helped if ugly things happen, but she can’t control her reactions. She also can’t stomach lots of blood and will probably vomit if she either sees a large amount of it near her or if she happens to look at a really messy wound.


Like all Xynthii, Valerie was born with two types of psychic powers: speaking through telepathy (since she doesn’t have a human mouth to talk through) and being able to levitate and float in the air at will.

She can’t really navigate and fly that high, she can only hover some inches above a surface, ground, or floor at most.


Fate wasn’t merciful for Valerie, or at least not when she was a kid.

From the beginning, Valerie had always been a really aloof and reserved kid. She was very soft-spoken and shy, so much so that most of her classmates thought she was mute. She never really grew up with any other siblings as a kid and her parents were simple farm folks that didn't talk much or have that many friends.

As she grew older, Valerie decided to muster up the courage to talk to more people and start coming out of her shell. Unfortunately, however, she ended up in the wrong crowd when she started dating this toxic Xynthii girl named Maddie. Maddie was a manipulative control freak who wanted Valerie to obey her every command. She would also openly cheat on Valerie with other guys (since she was bisexual with a masculine preference) and just treat her very poorly overall. She had the passwords for all of Valerie's accounts and would often tell Valerie what she should and shouldn't do.

To please and placate her lover, Valerie would do everything Maddie told her, even if it really hurt.

One day, Valerie just snapped. Enough was enough when she let Maddie hit her right in front of her parents. After that, Valerie's parents had to confront her about her relationship and that was when she knew it was time to call it quits.

Even though there was a lot of angry screaming on Maddie's end, Valerie still broke things off with her and tried to move on with her life. It wasn't easy at first, especially since she used to rely on Maddie a lot back then.

However, with the support of her parents and with some connections she made with some people that knew all about Maddie's toxic schemes and wanted to help Valerie out in a sticky situation, she managed to get by. She pulled through and landed a job as a simple model. At first, she mostly just did photoshoots for smaller ads before moving up the hierarchy from there. Now she's off to do bigger things with a perfect picture personality suited for business.

Once she's out of the work zone, however, she'll easily dissolve into an awkward mess of words and will usually only feel more comfortable interacting with her loved ones.


Her goop shadow companion is named Domino. Valerie really cherishes him, even if he doesn't do much other than just melt into a puddle whenever he's sleeping. He's lazy and will usually just stand there looking pretty.


530142?1498222246 Dollie Fae

precious girlfriend

5476104?1575153720 Angelika Enclair

a good friend

5485417?1575247294 Serenity

a good friend

Uh, I mean, yeah, sure?
