Desmond Stein





Desmond Stein








5’7” ft








Lab Assistant


Mu Clan



Desmond is a Delta Floss that works as an assistant for a famous mad scientist named Victor that’s made millions from the black market. He is tasked to do whatever he can to help his master. They're currently located in the Mu Clan at the moment.

At first, he kept his relationship with Victor strictly professional, but throughout the course of many years, he would go on to fall for him and eventually become his lover.


Desmond is cold and strict. He will go out of his way to strongly enforce any rules that have already been set in place and doesn’t tolerate anyone that wants to get away with touching Victor’s inventions without buying them first.

He’s always incredibly faithful and loyal to those that he cares for. His devotion is out of this world.

Lastly, though he's never had that much faith in himself (he didn't even believe in himself during his pre-virus days), Desmond has slowly been gaining some confidence over the years. And it's all thanks to Victor. Without him, he probably would've still had an incredibly low self-esteem to this day. Though he still has doubts about himself now every now and again, the negative thoughts that once plagued his mind are no longer as constant and intrusive as they used to be.


As a Delta, Desmond has the ability to manipulate plants. His performance as a Delta Floss is above average and he can make flowers or other types of plants bloom in the blink of an eye.

He has a harder time growing some plants compared to others. Like for example, it’ll take a lot more effort on his part to grow something like sugar canes or tea leaves compared to simple daisies and weeds.


Desmond had nothing before he met Victor.

Even during a time prior to contracting the Peppermint Virus all those years ago, Desmond didn't have much. For as long as he can remember, he was often underestimated and looked down upon as the son of a lowly servant to a rich and snobby family. He was treated poorly by his father's wealthy employers and had to learn to just suck it up and take the mistreatment.

One day, the rich family threw Desmond out of their house and dumped him into quarantine shortly after he had contracted the virus. Even after he had been cured and recovered, they still didn't want to accept him back into the household, so Desmond didn't have any other choice but to start life anew at that point.

However, he desperately struggled to get a job, he was terrible at customer service and retail since he didn't know how to handle interacting with so many people at once during rush hours, and he had to live on the streets for a while because of his incompetence. A lot of his worst moments happened during this time. He felt completely useless all by himself. If he couldn't even maintain a permanent job, then what was the point of even doing anything? A lot of people weren't very kind to him either, since they would always perceive him to be a filthy hobo who needed to be shooed away.

Living this sort of street rat life plunged Desmond into a dark spiral of depression. Suicidal thoughts started bombarding his mind with increasing fevor, until one day, after he had gotten mugged of the little money he had managed to save up from his past jobs, Desmond decided he'd just give up and die of starvation.

While lying against a cardboard box on a cold and rainy day, a rough cough erupted from Desmond, a symptom of incoming sickness. He was getting ill now and had no medicine for it. There really was no hope for him at all.

Or so he thought.

Suddenly, he felt someone hover an umbrella over his head. He tilted his head up, his eyes locking onto a Truffle Mu Floss with mechanical traits.

Desmond would soon come to know this man by the name of Victor.

Even though Desmond had told Victor to just leave him to rot or to just end his misery already, for he had no reason to keep on living at that point, Victor didn't do any of that.

While suffering from the anguish of his situation, in a raspy and feeble tone, Desmond told him, "Kill me..."

In response, however, Victor just said, "I can do so much better than that."

And with those words set in stone, Victor quickly took Desmond under his wing. As soon as he had invited Desmond into his home, he gave him a home to live in and a job to do.

He helped give Desmond a purpose again.

Though Desmond was able to keep a fairly nice and professional relationship with Victor over the years, he couldn't help but develop romantic feelings for him.

He tried so hard to suppress his feelings, they had been a long time coming and he had to acknowledge them eventually, but to no avail. It was getting really bad.

The last thing he wanted was to be a burden to Victor.

One day, however, Victor began seeing a guy named Jiro. While Desmond didn't trust Jiro, he didn't really mind since Victor could date whoever he wanted. However, by that point in time, they already had Igor (an Epsilon Floss that Victor managed to revive) around and though Igor didn't know how to properly speak too well, he could read other people's thoughts and see what their true intentions were.

One night, Igor got a good read on Jiro and revealed that Jiro was planning on dating Victor just to use him to get information for something later down the line. This worried Desmond greatly and he had to try and warn Victor about this. Once he tried, though, Victor didn't really believe him. Victor underestimated Jiro's malicious nature and was still just fresh in a relationship with him, he wanted to give Jiro a chance.

But Desmond wasn't having it. He decided it was now or never.

Desmond decided that if Victor wasn't going to listen to him, then he might as well just leave. It was also about time he started thinking about leaving since his feelings for Victor were getting too painful, and he admitted this to Victor as well. He confessed his feelings for Victor, with burning shame and all. That was the truth and he wasn't going to lie to him, not anymore.

Victor was stunned, but he wasn't as turned away or disgusted by his confession as Desmond had expected.

Instead, he seemed to reciprocrate back. He revealed that he had always loved Desmond, but that he had been so adamant with keeping their relationship strictly professional that he thought he had no chance with him and tried to move on with Jiro. He still had feelings for Desmond though, but had always just been cautious with asking him out.

Then, bashfully, Victor told Desmond that he was willing to give dating him a try. He also had feelings for him too, but he was still a bit insecure about whether they would work out as a couple or not.

Desmond agreed to take it slow and was just grateful to even have his feelings reciprocated back, even if it was just a little. Even if it was just a sliver of a chance, Desmond was willing to embrace that.

After Victor had broken up with Jiro, there were some awkward bumps along the way throughout the course of Desmond's relationship with him. At one point, Desmond did get overly anxious over how to be a good boyfriend while Victor often got flustered by all of the dates they'd go out on and all of the romantic gestures they'd do together. It was a lot for them to take in, but it wasn't bad.

If anything, they grew to love each other stronger and with much more confidence over time. They consulted in each other about their own insecurities once they felt comfortable enough doing so and they grew to be really close overall.

Now they're happy being together and things are working out in their favor so far.


Desmond doesn't necessarily believe in marriage (and neither does Victor). Getting married usually requires legal documentations and paperwork, none of which Desmond has anyway. Just because they're not married according to the law doesn't mean that his love for Victor is any less stronger. Desmond would literally die for Victor if possible.

Whenever Victor is feeling scared of the dark or gets any nightmares about it, Desmond is there to help ease him through his panic. He'll be there to help whisper sweet reassurances in his ears and kiss his tears away before gently lulling him back to sleep with some cuddles.

Desmond and Victor also like to play classical music and slow dance together during their spare time. They'll usually do this in their living room or even in the lab sometimes.

He can actually cook pretty well. Sometimes he'll try and surprise Victor with a nice breakfast. Victor is actually very efficient with cooking too and will do the same back. They've surprised each other with a nice breakfast on the same day sometimes.


5830326?1579347485 Victor Stein

beloved lover

5884433?1580976697 Brooke Parker

close friend

4774659?1581412411 Pascal Edison

like family to him

5989276?1581313176 Maddox

adoptive son

5553232?1576059083 Dimitri Stein

adoptive son

5571151?1579531793 Jiro Ione

an enemy

vNvxKhh.jpg Wilson Wilde

their security man

nKqB9fc.jpg Neri Ione

their accountant

6148207?1582680442 Barren Weblor

icky client

Don’t touch that.
