


7 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info


Flapjack Octo


Is a friend of Sora's she was the one who told him to try selling rocks scene he liked studying & collecting them so much. She is an owner of an accessory shop. She wants to help support her family in the deep, so she came to work in coral town. She is the oldest sister so she learned to be soft spoken & caring, but isn’t afraid of speaking her mind. Can become over-enthusiastic about Designs & looks at everything & thinks “How can I make this into a peace”. She stays neutral in most situations & tries to be fair. She is a peacemaker. She acts silly to make her friends laugh because she doesn’t know how to make jokes. She is quite the romantic and wishes to find a mate. She always speaks her mind and loves to compliment others.

Bad traits: bossy/ clingy/ flirtatious/ overcritical/ self-indulgent

She loves using words like:

Dear/ Sweetie/ Darling

Relationship: she admires Ava the florist that works next to her. She tried to speak with her but she is usually sleeping or she cuts the conversation short & runs away...