★ Cannon ★



4 years, 8 months ago



Gender nonbinary
Age adult
Status single
Sexuality pan
Build 5'10" stick
Profession store cashier/hacker
Slot free
Edits hair, tail

intelligent . desires justice . absolute nerd

WORDS Words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words


  • Outing criminals
  • Memes
  • Doritos and Canada Dry
  • Collectables


  • Heat
  • Campers and trolls
  • Politicians
  • White chocolate


On the outside, Cannon doesn't seem like any extraordinary bean. They work in a local grocery store as a simple cashier, unknown and glossed over by many. Their apathetic appearance usually suggests that they're just trying to get through their mundane job. In reality, they're quietly watching movements, listening to stories people tell while in line, reading the latest tabloids and discovering who had a baby with Bigfoot. Every now and then, they'll as a customer how they feel about the latest news story going on. A store is a good place to hear about current events and people's opinions on them.

Once home, Cannon gets to work online. On the internet, they are known by their tag "D-ception" and their blog "People of the World". Cannon is a proficient hacker who targets the unjust. On their blog, they post the proofs of corrupt individuals. -Hey, you know that person running for mayor? Yeah, have a look at these emails and tell me if you really want them in office. Oh man, this celebrity done some shadey stock dealings, I believe that's illegal.- They have quite the following online, ranging from the average joe to quite a few government agencies. Cannon's targets have also ranged from convicting criminals in small counties to contributing to world-wide governmental affairs, to man hunts for gangs and murderers. If you've done wrong, they'll find you and make sure you pay. While Cannon delights in justice, they're not above being petty. -You sonofabitch you bullied me in high school, now I'm gonna dox you and also leak your search history.

Cannon, as a whole, is very laid back. When they're among people in the store, they'll stay quiet and mostly keep to themself. Alone and online, they're sarcastic, chaotic, and a big stupid memelord. A bean of very few friends they prefer to keep to themself, after all your opinion of a person changes drastically when you can find all their sin and dirt online.

Looking for in a ship

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