Natalia Kashuba



4 years, 5 months ago



Natalia Kashuba


Get a real job, they said. Russian Hardbass IS a real job!!



Natalia is a Hyenai (Humanoid Hyena) living in the streets of Neko Tokyo. She has no job and no real occupation, and so she makes her money by hosting illegal rave parties with Russian Hardbass music at night. She's really popular, especially in the Neko Tokyo underground scene, and most people visit her when they need something. Through her many contacts, she can bring you almost anything!



Natalia is really open minded, and I mean, really open minded. You have to f up big time when you want her to hate you. How you achieve this? Well, just try to suit her for her parties. She will go feral and you gonna have some trouble with her friends. But otherwise, she's really social and talks a lot and will always speak what's on her mind. This already got her often into trouble, but she always tries to find her enemies and would rarely run away.

Yes, she puts a lot of work into her rave parties. Yes, she puts a lot of effort into her friendships. But she HATES real hard work. She would never attend a real job, she's too lazy for this and it would "steal her free lifestyle". And so, she lives in an abandoned house, where she stores all of her belongings and surfes through the internet with her small notebook, who often loses internet connection.

She's the type of person, who wears sunglasses at the club and loves everything that glows. She's also in love with dank memes and stupid jokes, and spends some of her time on anonym social medias, or making fun of boomers. Her unique strange laugh is famous in Neko Tokyo, and she will mostly laugh at everything. So you will always know, when she's nearby.

  • Russian Hardbass
  • Adidas
  • Parties
  • The dark corners of Neko Tokyo
  • Stupid Jokes
  • Action
  • People using her trust
  • Cookies
  • Sausages
  • Strict people/Tight rules
  • Real work
  • Mornings (is absolutely not a morning person)
  • DANCING: She not only throws her own rave russian hardbass parties, she also dances on them and is infamous for her dances on stage.
  • BREAKING RULES: "Rules are meant to be broken by real rebels", Natalia always uses to say. She loves to cause trouble just to cause trouble, but she would never intentionally hurt or murder someone.
  • SPEAKING RUSSIAN: Since most people in Neko Tokyo only understand japanese or sometimes english, Natalia enjoys her power of being able to say literally almost everything in russian.
  • BITING: Loves to bite on coins to look more cool.
  • PLEASE DON'T STOP THE MUSIC: Enjoys music so much, that she gets really pissed when somebody stops it.
  • OPTIMISTIC ****: Always sees the good in everything, except when it is a real tragedy involving her friends.
  • HONEST *****: Always voices her true, unflitered opinion.
  • EY CALM DOWN IT'S A PARTY: Gets along with everybody on a party and tries to have fun with them. Except when they call the cops or turn the music down.
  • WHICH DAY IS IT AGAIN: Often drinks too much at night and wakes up with a headache and amnesia.
  • REAL WORK IS FOR LOSERS: Hates real work a lot and sees everybody who works in buisness positions as a pussy.
  • CAN'T STOP THE BEAT: Addicted to parties and neglecting real life duties.
  • SOUR MILK: Can eat everything. Literally. Everything. No matter how old it is.
  • NIGHTSIGHT: Can see everything in nightvision in the dark. However, she sees pretty bad in daylight, but she only wears sunglasses from time to time
  • LAUGHTER OF DEATH: Her unique laugh is heard from miles away, and it can disturb those with a sensitive heart.
  • BLACK CLAWS: Has long and hard black nails, which she can use to attack others.
  • THIEF HEART: Can run really fast for a really short time to snatch something/steal something.
  • Can dance very well, but is terrible at singing
  • Is really good in rhythm games
  • Often wears adidas clothing and comfy stuff.
The hard life

Parents. You know. They always say the same s***.

Natalia was born in a family who sold their vegetables to markets. She was soon sick of all the work she had to help her parents with, and rather was playing with the other kids who lived near her. Her parents often scold her for not taking life seriously and overall just searching for fun. And she was more and more angry at her parents, who tried to make her follow the rules. And so, with 13, she ran away into the dark corners of Neko Tokyo and fell right into the arms of a group called the "Smiles"

They were a famous group who hosted rave parties, and they allowed Natalia to be a part of them. She began hosting rave parties, but had to give a huge amount of her money to her crew. She tried to search for a way around, but often failed. And so, she slowly made a plan. In the group, she got more and more trusted and famous, while she gained more and more friends due to her parties who always included russian hardbass and lots of adidas clothes. And so, she turned things around.

The hard life

I will never listen to anybody ever again, I'm my own boss, hua!!

One night, the Smiles made a gigantic rave party, the biggest one in Neko Tokyo, ever. And Natalia was about to raid the party. She get inside with her friends due to her status in the group, and made some trouble by starting arguments and fights, and trying to get the visitors mad at each other. Before of all of this, she called the police, who arrived pretty quick, taking the Smiles with them. They screamed at her she betrayed her masters, but she just shrug her shoulders sayin "I just wanted the money, bro, sorry to break your heart". Today, she makes her own rave parties with russian hardbass music and makes some money with it.