Eichio Maccau



Basic Info

Name Meaning:

Eichio: From 'Echo'; A repeated sound || Maccau: From 'Macaw'; Species of parrot


10 Solar Sweeps / ~21 Years




Pansexual Panromantic



Blood Colour:






Symbol Meaning:



Parrot / Lizard hybrid (Deceased)

Strife Specibus:

noisemakerKind, pistolKind


Employed by Viltau, works as a bartender, musician, and housekeeper


Lives in a treehouse in the Evergreen Woods


♥ n/a || ♦ n/a || ♠ n/a

Eichio is a troll that was raised to believe that he must always be perfect and useful, and the only way to be useful is to serve others. He lives by the saying that 'it's better to be hurt by others than to hurt someone yourself', making him very submissive and very much a people-pleaser at the cost of his own emotions. Despite this, he's hopelessly optimistic and can always see the best in everyone, and will always put making others happy first. His unusual talent of being able to imitate others perfectly is something that he relies on to help caters to others needs, to the point where he's not sure where their personalities end and his begin. In general, he's not exactly sure how much of his own self is genuine. He retains a positive demeanour and a big smile no matter how emotionally exhausted he may be.


  • Music (Can play any instrument, but favours the trumpet)
  • Copying others
  • Puppetry / Ventriloquy
  • Flowers
  • Bartending
  • Cleaning / Housekeeping
  • Entertaining, making people smile
  • Being useful

Misc. Information:

  • His faceclaim is Thomas Brodie-Sangster.
  • His lusus raised him to believe that as a lowblood, the only way to be worth something is to serve others. His lusus also told him to use his mimicry talents to copy highblood behaviours as it is the only way he would be liked by others. As a result, Eichio grew up to have no concept of his own 'self', as his entire being is moulded around pleasing others.
  • He used to busk on the streets to earn money, and hopefully gain the attention of highbloods looking to hire a servant. This is how he met his first boss.
  • He started working for his first boss when he was around five-and-a-half sweeps. His boss was fickle and cruel, and often took out his anger on Eichio for little to no reason. He'd give orders to him and change his mind at the last second, punishing him for being unable to meet his standards. Eichio would often have to do the same tasks multiple times, and was always on his toes to try and predict whether or not he would be yelled at or even hit for inevitably messing up.
  • He was almost worked to death by his old boss, having to stay up for days at a time to finish jobs and getting punished if he started to slack off due to exhaustion. 
  • He first met Viltau when he was six sweeps, when he was commissioned by his boss to throw a party for him. His boss was similarly rude to Viltau, but unlike Eichio he wouldn't take his shit.
  • One night while Eichio was out running errands, he returned to his boss' hive only to find it in flames. While he was glad to finally be 'free', he secretly hated himself for not rushing in to save his boss, and considers himself to be selfish because of that. He was employed by Viltau a couple weeks later when he happened to find him busking on the streets once more. While he is not aware of it, Viltau was the person who murdered his old boss and burned down his hive.
  • He developed severe anxiety as a result of his time with his old boss, and always has to perform every task perfectly and ensure that his current employer is always satisfied otherwise he'll start to panic and break down. He hasn't told anyone about this as he fears that they'll see him as being useless for not being able to keep himself together.
  • While Viltau only employed him to be a bartender and entertainer, he insisted on also helping with the housekeeping (and eventually taking over every single chore) because he wanted to make sure that he'll always be useful to him. Viltau allows him to do so, and pays him extra for his assistance, but keeps encouraging him to take breaks every couple hours.
  • His psiionics allow him to telekinetically lift any small object within a certain radius of him. It creates a sort of forcefield around him which can pick up any object that falls into the radius, which can include objects thrown into his path if he's able to react quick enough, and can even break the ground underneath him to use as projectiles.
  • While he usually has a good handle on his psiionics, in situations when he's in a highly emotional state (such as incredibly stressed or angry) his powers can fly out of control and start breaking apart and lifting anything that is within the radius without him needing to think about it.
  • His eyes glow bright yellow when he uses his psiionics.
  • He's a musical prodigy, and can master any instrument within a couple hours. His favourite is the trumpet.
  • He can also sing and dance very well, but only by copying others. His favourite singer to copy is Mika.
  • Since he learns mostly by copying others and playing by ear, he doesn't know how to read sheet music.
  • Despite working as a bartender, he refuses to drink alcohol and will ask others to sample his experimental cocktails instead. He's afraid of what he'd be like if he got drunk.
  • His favourite flowers are sunflowers, and he loves to buy bouquets as gifts for his friends.
  • He can copy any trolls' quirks and mannerisms if he studies them long enough, and sometimes copies them without even thinking. He can imitate Viltau perfectly.
  • His natural voice is very flat and almost monotone, so he copies Viltau's 'Hollywood' accent and pleasing tone when around others.
  • He wears his work uniform at all times, but on the rare occasion he wears casual clothing he likes loose flowy outfits and wearing lots of layers. A lot of his outfits are a couple sizes too big.
  • He's so used to providing for and helping others, he can't comprehend the thought of someone taking care of his needs. He doesn't consider his problems to be worth worrying over, no matter how much they really trouble him, and feels like asking others for help would be selfish.
  • He's prone to punishing himself if he feels that he's done something 'bad' or needs to push himself into working harder, such as deliberately skipping meals and depriving himself of sleep, sometimes even deliberately injuring or putting himself in danger.
  • He finds it difficult to do anything on his own, and feels like he needs 'permission' from others in order to treat himself to anything and be told exactly what to do.
  • He always makes it his goal to ensure every person he comes across his happy, and will do everything he can to make them smile.
  • He has a habit of running his fingers through his hair and touching / straightening up his collar if he's feeling nervous.