(Prince) Solar Eclipse Acorn



4 years, 5 months ago


:silently judging you:

Full Name: (Prince) Solar Eclipse Acorn

Nickname(s): Sol, Eclipse, Calypso, Edgelord (Pistachio)

Species: Unicorn

Gender: Cisgender Male (He/Him)

Sexuality:  Hetroromantic-Asexual

Age: 23

Parents: Princess Celestia and Evil!King Sombra*

(( Adoptive Parents: Oak Nut Acorn and Butternut Acorn ))

Sibling(s): Pistachio Acorn (Adoptive Older Brother), Prince Loki (Younger Half-Brother), Princess Harmony (Younger Half-Sister)

Partner: N/A


Personality: Hardworking, determined, eloquent, intelligent (one of the smartest ponies in Equestria, though nobody but his older brother knows of his true potential), highly protective of his adoptive parents (you give them any sort of trouble, and you’ll never be heard from again).

Fatal Flaws: Short-tempered, passive-aggressive/sarcastic, intimidating (the young fillies and colts of his village often say he can turn a pony to stone with a single glare), rarely lets his guard down enough to actually have any fun/make friends, and, because of his manipulation via Sombra’s “curse” on his mind, the rough-and-tough stallion has become only a thin shell of his former self... cruel, calculated, and cautious around most newcomers.

Special Talent: Dark Magic

Cutie Mark Story: Sombra first came to him in a dream... Solar Eclipse awoke one night to find a starry, dream-like scape surrounding his sleeping form, enveloping the young foal’s body in shades of vibrant blues and purples.

A voice echoed loudly in his head, urging him to “Hurt... Kill... Destroy...”

The raspy calls quickly elevated in volume, piercing his eardrums and filling his senses with feelings of anger and hatred. Eclipse ran, ran from the becoming cries and shouts in his mind... but no amount of hiding could release him from the voices. Suddenly, a large, ebony shadow of a figure materialized in front of him, stopping the boy dead in his tracks. Looking up, he noticed that the stranger greatly resembled himself, from the uniqueness of his pointy horn, down to the flowing dark mane.

“My name is King Sombra...” The figure hissed in a tone similar to that of the voices plaguing his thoughts. “I am your father.”

For the next two weeks, Eclipse dreamt only of this mysterious phantom-stallion. Each, night, however, was different in that Sombra (whom he’d been made aware of primarily through childish old mare’s tales) would give more and more insight as to the clueless foal’s true past. He was told of his cowardly mother, Princess Celestia, and how she had abandoned him as an infant in order to ensure the sanctity of her “pristine” public image.




After the 14th night, Sombra wordlessly leaned over and lightly brushed the tip of his horn against Eclipses’s, filling the endless void with a startling slue of cosmic hues. The foal awoke suddenly in a cold, nervous sweat, a bolt of powerful energy coursing through his veins. His Cutie Mark quickly followed suit, sparkling to life in a haze of purple and green smoke. Was this his true destiny? A premonition, possibly? Eclipse was not entirely sure, though he now knew indefinitely that from then on he would make it his life’s goal to seek out the mare responsible for casting him aside so carelessly... and simply ask her, “Why?”

Base - SelenaEde: https://www.deviantart.com/selenaede/art/Reverse-World-Sombra-Base-511970361

*Celestia had a minor “fling” (unknowingly, much to her-rightful-disgust) with Sombra before the events of “The Crystal Empire” parts one and two.

Disguised as a member of the royal guard, Sombra tricked her into falling for the “perfect stallion” as a means of gaining useful intel on her strengths and weaknesses to use against her later on. His plan was to destroy her physical form at the peak of her vulnerability, draining her power and using it to overthrow Equestria once and for all.

Some time later, Celestia realized she had become pregnant with his child, much to Sombra’s utter delight at the prospect of having a future protégée to rule alongside him in his future empire. After Eclipse’s birth, he attempted to steal the child and vanish once Celestia’s back was turned, but was caught in the act by the two sisters, who called upon the Mane Six to defeat him once and for all. Or so they thought...

Scared and confused, the disheveled princess fled to a small, remote village at the border of Equestria, where she posed as a shadowy young mare under a dark unable to care for her newborn foal all by herself. After all, she knew that, no matter the circumstances, her kingdom would never trust any offspring of the fallen king. The kindhearted souls of the Acorn family soon adopted the tiny, helpless infant and raised him as one of their own alongside their eldest and only son, Pistachio. Once the flamboyant stallion had gathered his things and moved to Manehattan with his fiancé, Star Tracker, the farm fell under a terrible famine, taking the life of Eclipse’s adopted mother, Butternut Squash Acorn along with most of their countless acres of land.

Eclipse made it his sworn duty to provide enough funds to move his elderly father into retirement, leaving behind his childhood home and traveling far across Equestria to the pristine city of Canterlot. It was there that, after years of dormancy, King Sombra finally awoke from his decade-long slumber and proceeded to trick the newly-grown stallion into finding and confronting his birth mother once and for all...