
4 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info


100 USD/10K points


Up for offers! Offer anything :D


character's name
species Mochi Raptor
age 17 (human years)
gender Female
pronouns She/Her
orientation Straight
height 5”
build Slender
job N/A
Theme info

designed by KawaiiWitch
species creator Lupi
purchased from KawaiiWitch
value 50 USD
trade/resell Allowed

  • Can be drawn with a Raven companion
  • Can be drawn interacting with all my other Mochi’s
  • Horns and eyes and white spot markings can glow
  • the box will scroll with your text
  • note
  • note
  • note


↠ Mysterious and reclusive, Ziva keeps mostly to herself. She enjoys being among nature, and much prefers the company of birds and other forests animals to her own kind. She finds normal conversation trivial and tiresome, preferring to show her feelings through actions. ↞

Story Excerpt

Dappled sunlight filtered down through the pines, casting light against Ziva's dark pelt. Beneath her feet the ground was soft and springy, and her feet made no noise as she padded through the pines. Stopping, she lifted her muzzle into the air, scenting it. After all, she was out here for a specific reason. Satisfied that there was no immediate threat, she continued on her way, weaving through the undergrowth,her mind focused on her search.

header three

Donec cursus tempor sagittis. Proin dolor augue, malesuada ac tortor placerat, dignissim posuere odio. Morbi orci ante, mollis vel massa at, tristique fringilla quam. Donec tincidunt metus ac dolor finibus sagittis. Morbi posuere sem a lacus luctus pulvinar. In ut arcu in massa scelerisque imperdiet sed sit amet odio. Proin mattis sagittis urna, id ullamcorper eros. Praesent tristique, augue quis feugiat volutpat, tortor ex condimentum nunc, at egestas sapien ipsum nec mauris. Vivamus pretium egestas pharetra.

Duis non scelerisque velit, non ultrices mauris. Donec elementum fermentum risus aliquet tristique. In a sem in ipsum tempus lacinia non et quam. Suspendisse et augue nec mauris aliquam fringilla id sed nulla. Mauris eu ante a metus porttitor feugiat ac sed ipsum. Donec lobortis elit id urna dictum lacinia. Duis nisl nibh, commodo id metus ut, feugiat eleifend nunc. Vestibulum malesuada est sed justo pharetra, sed sollicitudin odio maximus. Sed a nisi id lacus pharetra finibus. Cras ullamcorper leo at sagittis porta. Nulla dapibus, justo in suscipit molestie, libero mauris pharetra eros, et iaculis arcu ipsum sit amet felis. Pellentesque mattis congue urna et congue. Curabitur commodo leo a lectus fermentum interdum.

name// relationship

write a little bit about their relationship here. couple lines would be best.

name// relationship

write a little bit about their relationship here. couple lines would be best.

name// relationship

write a little bit about their relationship here. couple lines would be best.
