Nico Bathory (WGG | Callisto)



1 year, 9 months ago



The firelight floats through their chest like they’re pressing their thumb against a flashlight, only worse.  It’s every morning where the sun slipped in through your curtains and you wanted to be in that moment forever, bathing in that warmth, held captive by that warmth.

Callisto reaches out to us.  There is ash on their lips and fire in their eyes, the heat of what others want burning them up from the inside, the unsustainable flames trying to leap to us too; they are a pyre of every worst want, bright as the heart of the sun.  We feel the heat on our skin and their fingers are heavy with the weight of the approaching grave, a house burning down, falling apart without even really knowing why.  The smoke burns our throats and we can’t scream even if we wanted to.  Nobody can.

The devil is lonely. We kicked out the devil and it must miss us.
It keeps begging to be let back, for us to let it in.
And Callisto did. 

Every wish to break free belongs to it.  Every swallowed want is a flickering ember, hot on our skin, thick smoke choking our lungs.  Nothing can escape this blaze.
But we will.
We won’t feel the heat of the flames. We can’t be burned.  We choose to look away, to defy their pleas.

And the devil only ever gets one moment. For desperation, for love, for "please help me."
But there is nothing to fear when there is two against the devil.

Callisto's affinity is with purifying flame, desperation, and desire; as the Devil, their flame becomes choking and smothering, feverish-hot.  They have no associated body part.
They’re closeted nonbinary & running on empty; they want to help other people so badly that it's hollowing them out, and they can't help loving everyone who looks their way, and people are using that love as a weapon; they'll always prioritize everyone else over their own wants and needs, and it's not sustainable anymoreTheir life is collapsing into itself - they're giving more than they have to give, and they don't have the strength of self to cut anyone off.  Much like Venus, in their color ending (Orange) - after having the devil driven out - the narrative & the other campers return to using he/him, instead of their correct pronouns, which are only used in their scene as the Devil.

(Well.  Unless you get their group's True Ending.  Then people see them for who they are, and things might get better.) "please help me."

Their transformation into the Devil is triggered by their perception (backed up by the events of the night!) that they're a coward, and this is all they're ever going to be; they're going to burn out because they can't do this anymore, and it's going to kill them. They'll never be able to turn anyone down, and they'll never be able to break things off, and they'll never be able to tell anyone about it and be taken seriously; boys will be boys, you know? What a nice boy, always helping everyone out. What a playboy. How many girlfriends does he have? They'll keep trying until it breaks them down, because they desperately want people to like them, and they don't know how to say no to anything. So if nobody cares, why not just let the Devil in?  At least the Devil can pretend.  At least the Devil will return their love.  At least the Devil is kind about how it uses them and burns them out; with the Devil, it barely hurts at all.

Named after Callisto, a moon of Jupiter.

callisto brings the day in a glorious, ruthless blaze, impossible to ignore


Tech for Cradles' Graces.  
They have medical difficulties meaning that being a pilot and having a Ship-Self are not a reasonable path for them; if they did, their abilities as a pilot would all thematically be about fire and joy with a focus on burning.  Has an enormous, disastrous crush on both Pluto and Mars that literally everyone has noticed. Their alter, Themisto, tends to front instead in situations where Callisto would have to engage in conflict; Themisto could pilot, but who's fronting between the two of them can switch unreliably, and there's no mechs that could be easily retrofitted to compensate for two pilots in one body -- especially where one shouldn't be piloting at all.