


4 years, 3 months ago


-Frat boy-

Name: Christian Chandler

Nickname: Chris

Age: 21 years old

Gender: Male

About him: Outgoing, boastful, flirty, without a doubt frat-boy, loves to party, drink and pull pranks. Was a bully in highschool so had his fair share of enemies but overall considered popular on his college campus. In the closet gay. Athletic, foot ball is his favorite sport but also plays hockey on occasion, plays football competitively unlike hockey and actually got into his current college on a scholarship. Was raised by a strict Christian father who is the pastor of the Church he was forced to attend as a child growing up. Due to this he's pretty rebellious but only in secret yet also cautious about what lines he crosses.

Random fact(s): 

- Smokes cigarettes

- Listens to alot of bands and rock music

- Owns a black 1996 Ford Mustang with cliche red flame decor behind the back tires.

- Relies on the GPS on his phone to get him any and everywhere

- Obsessed with hot rod vehicles