Niv's Comments

Niv had been expecting some sort of explosive power. He mom had fire that she could wave a hand and launch like arrows with ease, while her father's power was the ability to manifest items from sand. She'd thought her power would be like, manifesting bombs or gunpowder or something big and cool-- but waking up for her first day of high-school as small as a Barbie doll and wings that look like they'd fall apart just from bumping into something slightly too hard? It was anything but large, and definitely not cool.

It's been a year now, and she hasn't even found a way to turn back to her normal size. At least it helps her family save on groceries... but she can't help but overhear their disappointed arguments about how she had a power like this despite being their child. 

Maybe she'd find something to help her at this school she found a pamphlet for while dumpster diving for shiny stuff, as an excuse to be anywhere but home.