Radim Heribert



4 years, 8 months ago


 Radim Heribert
 pronunciation Ra-jeem
 nickname Raddish [Carlos]
 Birthday June 7
 age 21
 gender Male
 height 6'5
 sexual orientation Gay
 job Fashion Model/Designer









Radim lives in a wealthy family under the business Heribert for building fancy apartments and giving very good services in said apartments. However, to be a heir of this business is a dog fight among his fellow siblings. Being the youngest amongst his older brothers and sister, he had a lot of pressure of being successful on him due to their accomplishments. It didn't help that his parents were ever so strict and ridicule him for not surpassing great accomplishments that his siblings already done. After years of being so strict towards Radim, he was deemed as a failure and was outcasted in the household, only living there until he was old enough to move out. His personality in fashion is a direct result of his parents teaching of wanting him to be a good business man. The staff was just as strict as his parents and left him to his own devices after he was deemed the failure.

Radim wasn't close to anyone, since his parents had made him not make any friends because they were deemed as "distractions" and "lower people" and was alone. He had nothing to do and wanted to desperately to be able to do something, anything. He had a fixation on clothing and putting them together to look very good and continued to put his attention on that. After putting all his efforts into his looks, he had gotten traction for his sense of style. After a couple of years, he got popular and started being requested as a model for fashion clothes, boosting his fame and the company's sells. His family finally takes notice of his accomplishments and his parents sees this as something they can exploit for their own business. Radim was so happy to finally have an accomplishment that his parents are finally praising him and every now and them promotes the family's business. He knows that he's being used by his family just to boost their business but he was fine with it since it was the first time they praised him for something he did. After a couple of years he is able to start his own clothing line and make a lot of profits for it, donating most of that money for those in need.

in fashion

Radim is charismatic to a default due to his upbringing and is shown to be confident and cool, especially during work. He is easy to get along with and will discuss most things with others if they bring it up. He initiates most conversations if he isn't the one being walked up to and give off a welcoming vibe. If he's given a chance, he will also become flirty with others, despite their genders. Although, he isn't shown to be one to continue to talk to girls he flirts with the days before.

out of fashion

Radim is still charismatic, but is much more expressive with his other emotions. He tends to be more eccentric and easily flustered out of his more fashionable clothes. He acts far more caring and sweet about the things he likes, even out of his fashion sense. He wears the more unappealing clothes so then less people approach him for his money, for his phone number and to preserve his image he made in his designer clothing. He geeks out far more about things and tends to info dump on people willing to hear about his latest fixations. He's extremely clumsy when nervous, especially around guys he finds really pretty or handsome. He's a hopeless romantic and day dreams about that one guy that helped him up after tripping over himself. He tends to fall in love very quickly but is normally too shy to take the initiative of a "blossoming romance". He is also very genuine when someone does something thoughtful for him and will thank them endlessly for what they've done.


 carlos// relationship

They met after Radim hosted a promotional event at Carlos's bar. [yeehaw]


 yuuto// relationship

write a little bit about their relationship here. couple lines would be best.


 chisuke// relationship

write a little bit about their relationship here. couple lines would be best.
