


4 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info


Evangeline Lovejoy, Evan

Age and Birthday

?, 19th March


Student, Part-time café worker, social media 'influencer'

Other Info

Favourite game is animal crossing, grew up in a religious household, Evan had a prosthetic eye made but she didnt like the way it felt so resorted to wearing an eyepatch; she wears her prosthetic when cosplaying as she can put coloured lenses on it





Evan got into a relationship with her ex girlfriend very young. They were dating for approximately 5 years. In towards the 2nd year her ex became narcissistic and they began to have issues in their relationship. This resulted in multiple break-ups and fights however they decided to stay together through the gaslighting from Evan's ex girlfriend towards her. The abuse continued and gradually got worse. It progressed beyond emotional abuse and progressed to physical abuse somewhere in the 4th year. When asking Evan about the last year of her relationship she will not remember much, being in and out of hospital with injuries and dealing with alcohol addiction she has little to no memory of her final year with her ex-girlfriend. She even has no memory of when the two of them broke up but that somewhere in her memories she moved into an apartment with friends and she stopped seeing her mostly. Her ex girlfriend refused to let go though still seeking out Evan on social media through burner accounts, going to her workplace to see her. The final straw was when she broke into the shared apartment of Evan and her friend and got into a fight with Evan. Severe Damage was caused to Evan's eye and surgery was performed to remove it. She filed a restraining order against her ex-girlfriend and hasn't heard from her since. She heard from  some old school friends that she moved countries to live with some relatives. 

She moved in with her school friend Brian to escape her ex girlfriend. Her and Brian weren't that close. They used to be very close but Brian confessed his feelings for her when they were younger and Evan expressed that she was interested in another person, her ex. They had been friends ever since that but not as close as they used to be when they were children. Her and Brian only had one class together at the time that Evan and her ex started having major issues. Brian approached her and asked if she was okay. She visited his apartment that evening and expressed what was happening between her and her ex. Brian and Evan connected easily through this and almost re-kindled their friendship through some form of trauma bonding has Brian had also dealt with a toxic ex. It was then they became bestfriends again and Brian helped Evan escape the toxicity in her life.