Chai's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Cannot be transferred for any reason.

Design Terms of Use

mintymichi Global Rules

By adopting from me, it is assumed that you have read and agreed to the terms of service. These rules are effective for any existing and future designs. 
Rules may be subject to change.
Violations may result in revoking a character and/or being bannedfrom future designs. 
You can credit me on Toyhouse (mintymichi) and/or Instagram (@minty_michi)


  • I own the right to all artwork created for the design.
    • This means I have the right to use designs for potential portfolios, as examples, and for promotion on social media. 
  • Do not claim any original artwork or design as your own. You must credit me when appropriate.
  • Personal use only!
  • Do not affiliate nor turn any designs or artworks into NFTs or any other blockchain tech.
  • Do not affiliate nor use any desgins or artworks in AI-generated pieces. 
  • Do not affiliate nor use any designs or artworks to promote hate speech. 
  • Do not delete any characters! 
  • If you no longer want them, please don’t hesitate to send them back to me! I put a little piece of love into every design I make! 
    • Mostly applies to gifted/traded designs. 
    • Sold designs do not guarantee a refund.


  • Do not edit my original artwork or remove any signatures. 
  • Feel free to edit other aspects of the character (gender, species, appearance, colors, etc) but please make sure that it still somewhat resembles the original design! Preferably at least 75%.
  • Any canon that may come with the character is free to be changed. 


  • Do not transfer designs outside of Toyhouse. You can post about them elsewhere, but they must have a place in Toyhouse.
  • Do not resell characters higher than their original price unless there is additional artwork.
    • Additional artwork must have prices listed clearly in their descriptions! 
    • Only commissioned art is counted towards the price. 
  • Traded or gifted designs can only be traded or gifted, regardless of any additional commissioned artwork for them. 
  • Please list as clearly as possible what the reason for transfer is when changing owners.

Feel free to DM me if you have any questions, concerns, or clarification! :)! (Updated August 2024)