Mathias's Comments

Heya, would u be interested in someone from either this account or _Trashmouth_Sales_ for this cutie,


And possibly claim this boi

I'm searching for some human designs and would be glad to take these off ur hands to maybe help u too (I'm not sure how u feel about them but I know how painful it is to get an oc from a friend and then never being able to look at the oc the same ;v;) however I could definitely understand if u aren't interested too ♥️

Some of the characters on this account are off limit but I'm open to hear whether u found something or not uwu 

Thank u so much in advance, I look forward to hearing from u 

I hope, u have a wonderful day ♥️♥️

*Edit: accidentally put a link to one of my ocs which I still had in my clipboard aaah sorry bout that ;v; ^^'

Hi there sorry for the late reply I just saw this!

The only two that slightly interested me on your sale account was Dean and Koda I think! Maybe Adrian (I forget which folder he was in, he was like blond with a striped shirt)

You can 100% have squid though! I'll send him over ^^ 

Aw ok, no worries ♥️ thank u anyway ♥️

No problem! If you ever wanna offer again in the future just lemme know! ^^

Definitely will ♥️

They're all super adorable ♥️