


4 years, 4 months ago


Elaria Oakenheel
Eladrin Elf


Compassionate • Sentimental • Soft • Friendly

Elaria started her journey as a young, naive, trusting young woman. She had a comfortable life at her home in the Feywild, alongside her parents and her two sisters. Eventually, Elaria and her sisters had decided they wanted to experience more of the world, and took off on a journey outside of the Feywild. Elaria set off separately from her sisters to eventually become an Oath of the Ancients Paladin under the forest goddess Mielikki.

Elaria's time in Barovia had changed her drastically. She had been burned far too many times from blindly trusting people and giving others the benefit of the doubt. She started to become more jaded, more cautious, less likely to trust others aside from her party members, who she had been through many trials with. After a deeply traumatizing event at Castle Ravenloft, during the party's dinner with Strahd, she abandoned her old oath and swore an Oath of Vengeance against the vampire.


  • Singing
  • Dancing
  • Sweet treats
  • Travelling


  • Tension
  • Bitter drinks
  • Dishonesty
  • Needless Violence
"So far he's feeling tentatively hopeful about us."


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sem pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem. Aliquam vulputate lacus consequat, volutpat ex ut, blandit lacus. Sed egestas risus ut gravida blandit. In vitae nisi eu mi suscipit semper in eget justo. Sed feugiat dictum posuere. Pellentesque commodo, dolor nec tempor maximus, risus risus lobortis eros, vitae mollis felis odio vel nulla. Etiam sed libero laoreet ipsum lacinia sagittis eu non lectus.


• Her appearance changes based on her mood or "Season".

• Autumn has a big focus on soft, warm colors. Like a walking Pumpkin Spice Latte.

• Winter gives off cold, sad vibes. Lots of pale or dark blues, almost no warm colors.

• Spring is all about flowery color palettes and energetic, bright hues.

• Summer is warm colors with fierce intensity, and with light blue accents for extra flair.


• Her favorite season to be in is Autumn, both for herself and in the general world.

• Least favorite season of hers is a tie between Spring and Summer.

• Spring is just a season where she tends to make terrible decisions, too busy distracted by pretty people and things.

• Summer just kind of scares her. The amount of rage she can feel there is off putting compared to her usual self.

• Winter is sad wine mom energy. She doesn't hate it, she just doesn't prefer it.

• Her usual season is Autumn, where she feels the most warmth and openness. She'll always revert back to this as soon as she's out of whatever funk she's stuck in.




Zirulad is the cleric of her party, and someone she had quickly become good friends with. They bonded fiercely after being the only two left to break out of the Reformation Center in Vallaki together. Since then, Elaria has gone to Zirulad for advice and when she's feeling troubled. He was the first person she talked to when she found out her sisters were trapped somewhere in Barovia, and he had offered to use Sending to help her talk to them. When she abandoned her old oath for one of Vengeance, he helped steady her rage and provided much needed counsel. Similarly, she's helped him when his rage towards Strahd and his fear for Ireena's safety took hold of him, especially after Zirulad himself was turned into a werewolf.



Alkas is their party's rogue. He's a scoundrel with a heart of gold, and while Elaria wasn't always the most trusting of him early on, he quickly grew on her with his antics and sense of humor. He was the one who took the most responsibility in looking after and training Arabelle when it was decided that she would join them on their journey. Alkas is the one they send when they need a sneaky bastard's expertise. He's uncovered many secrets about the various residents in Barovia from simply sneaking around to snatch a bottle of wine or two. When Elaria found out the mysterious gentleman she had spent the night with was actually Strahd, Alkas was the one who had done the most to try and comfort her about it, recalling the time when Strahd had turned Alkas himself into a dhampir against his will.



Dawn is their ranger with a dark and troubled past as a former child soldier. She's been through much, and Barovia didn't exactly help in that manner, either. However, finding friends and company as light-hearted and good-natured as the ones she found in this party really helped her. Elaria in particular would often be approached by Dawn for advice on how to grow and be a better person, advice that Elaria happily gave in the past. There had been a lot of tension between Elaria and Dawn, however, when Dawn made a deal with a Dark Power in order to aid in the fight against Strahd. Her personality changed overnight, and Elaria found herself unable to trust her anymore. Dawn eventually had been rejected by the Dark Power, turned into a hellhound until the party can find a way to change her back.



Arabelle is a young rogue at a whopping nine years old. The party was very hesitant to keep her along because of this, but because Madame Eva named Arabelle the prohpesized Enemy of Strahd in her Tarokka reading, they couldn't really refute it. Instead, Elaria and the rest of her party made it a mission to make sure Arabelle was as cared for and protected as possible. They made sure she would be able to fight and defend herself in the event that anything happened to the rest of them. Alkas in particular spent much of his time teaching Arabelle how to wield a dagger, and so, she naturally took after him as far as combat went. Elaria thinks this works for the best. It gave Alkas a good bit of responsibility, and encouraged a fighting technique for Arabelle that would keep her at range and out of sight from enemies most of the fight.

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