


4 years, 3 months ago



 Name  Charlotte
  Age  23
 Gender  Female
  Pronouns  She/Her
 Demeanor  Snooty
  Role  Family Heir/Host
 Height  5'6"
  Build  Lean + Sexy
 Ears  Deer
  Hooves  Pony
 Owner  Shae
  Designer ONCHA
 Species Dainty
Dictionary 4023 


  • This character is a Dainty, they have hooved digitigrade legs and their stockings cannot be removed or altered!
  • Has freckles on her face, shoulders, elbows, and sides!
  • Can be drawn with any style of hair!
  • Long eyelashes!
  • Only wears luxary™ clothing!




  • Expensive Clothing
  • Looking Beautiful
  • Animals
  • Attention
  • Le Soleil Radieux


  • Being Weak
  • Greedy People
  • Her Freckles
  • Thunder Storms (Lightning)
  • Eating Her Vegetables 


  • Most of the time is a bitch.
  • Actually has a soft heart.
  • Will step on you with No hesitation.
  • Very rich, you can't buy her with money.


Charlotte is flat out a stuck up b*tch. She's rich, and feels like everything is about her. Given the chance, she will quite literally walk all over you, and some of the customers in the club actually like that part of her. Charlotte was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. Everything was done for her, and being the only child she would eventually inherit the family's wealth and businesses. She always tries her hardest to maintain her pretty looks as well. She absolutely refuses to let anyone see her when she wakes up in the morning until she's had a show and finished her hair and makeup. After all, appearances do matter for first impressions.


Her whole childhood was spent in books. Studying was all she knew how to do. While growing up, she really didn't have any friends since she was home schooled and not allowed to leave the estate unless it was for business matters. Because of this, Charlotte really doesn't know how to act with others. Once she turned 18, she worked very hard learning how to take care of the family businesses so she would be able to once her parents no longer could. Her parents were very proud of her, and even gave her one of the businesses for her to run herself. As expected, she exceeded and even brought more income to the table. This went on for a couple years, and she'd done so well that her parent gave her time off to go out into the world and do something besides run the family business. Charlotte was unsure on what to do, so she just wandered the city looking for places that might interest her. This is when she came upon Le Soleil Radieux. The exterior was very much to her liking, so she went it. Since it was day time, it was being used as a café. She was welcomed by the owner, Bambi. After her first sitting in the café, she came back almost daily, the staff knew her by name. One day, she ran late and got to the café during the evening, but when she entered it wasn't the café she knew? It had turned into a nightclub, she spotted Bambi in lingerie, and asked about it. That's when she learned that Le Soleil Radieux was a café by day, and a nightclub by night. Charlotte loved it. She was even more thrilled about it then when she first came, she asked Bambi if she could join and she was happy to allow her onto the staff. Since then Charlotte has balanced her family business and her job at Le Soleil Radieux.

Current Life

Weekdays, Charlotte runs the family businesses, but on the weekends to spends all of her time at Le Soleil Radieux. It truly feels like a second home to her. Everyone treats her nice, despite how bitchy she can be at times. It's also nice that the customers like her this way as well. It's the perfect mix of social interaction and experience she needed.  She gets along with Bambi really well, since she was one of the reasons she visited the café almost daily. Her parents don't exactly approve of her weekend job, but since Charlotte is an adult she's free to do as she pleases. As long as the family businesses income stays up, they really don't care what she does with herself.



Bambi  [ boss ]

Bambi is a really nice boss. I hate working under people, but I can make an exception for her since she doesn't exactly boss me around. It's nice having someone around who doesn't want you just for your money and actually likes me for who I am-


Aimée  [ work sister ]

She acts like such a child... when she hangs around me it ruins my mature vibe. I accept the fact she is very cute, but sometimes she gets so stubborn it even wears me out... But it is nice to have someone that understand what it's like when people only want you for money. 


Valerie  [ work sister ]

This girl rarely shows up, I'm surprised she actually works here. She teases me so much, sometimes it gets me a little flustered... She's pretty hot but I know she's dating the boss and another girl... It's very fun to talk to her though, we make fun of the customers sometimes~