


4 years, 5 months ago


a merman who has a taste for humans

- He appears in his mid to late twenties but his true age is about 117 years old.

- His gene pool is of a koi fish (mother) and shark (father).

- Pansexual if he cared enough

- Personality-wise, he's a callous, snarky,and smug individual. Fueled  with bouts of revenge and his innate survival instinct, that is how  Sedor is managing his life right now. He wasn't always like this, only  after some incidences of betrayal from multiple party that he is now  very hardened.

- i n t r o d u c t  i  o n - 

Rumor  has it a siren has been terrorizing the waters out of the blue. Any  mortal stepping beyond the shallow waters may have a close encounter to  death. Such stories have left the harbors empty, the air filled with  only dread. If they only knew the truth of Sedor’s delight in seeing the  terrorized town run with their tail between its legs. Why yes, he did  have a taste for human flesh. But by all means, he was no siren but a  merman who knew how to play the role well. He found himself liking this  game, using fear as his source of power against them.

Unlike how he lived alongside the merfolk, Sedor never felt such thrills  in seeing the fear-ridden faces on peasant and royalty alike.

It was hard to believe decades ago, he once belonged to a prestigious  line of merpeople. In fact, they were highly respectable for their  craftsmanship, whether their medium was coral or shell. However, those  triumphs mean nothing anymore. Even now, his body trembled in rage with  the mere thought of his extinguished life back at the aquatic  metropolis. He desired this lineage he was once acquainted would rot  with the rest of the memories he had. However, if were to do so, Sedor  had bodily scars that never could be erased.

Until the fervor of his wears off, he will remain and wait for his next victim.