Eligius Sideris



4 years, 4 months ago


  • Eligius Sideris

  • oc_eligius_by_fuyukine_ddve3v2-pre.jpg?t
  • Personality  ISTJ 1w9 162 so/sp
  • Age 24
  • Gender Male 
  • Height 6’0”
  • Occupation Magic Police Finance Manager 
  • Race Human
  • BirthdayNovember 3rd
  • Date of Creation  October 14 2017
  • Theme ロジカ

 "I can’t support you like Pace or Caius, but I can at least make sure you don’t get lost in thought alone."



Eligius began as extremely cold and insensitive. As if a robot, he followed his schedule to the second and was refused to deviate from it. Moreover, those who forced him away from his perfect schedule he would not tolerate. However, after finding his first friends he began to understand the necessity of emotion in a person’s life. Slowly, he learned how to recognize and acknowledge emotions in himself and others. While still uptight and focused on minute details, Eligius understands the need to listen to those who are hurting and make leeway in his schedule for such events. He even has grown to the point where he is willing to sacrifice blocks in his schedule and sleep for others. It is not that Eligius was naturally inconsiderate, but that he was never shown consideration to learn from. His obsession with time, moreover, stems from his parents using seconds late and making up times they supposedly told him as an excuse to punish him.



Eye Color: Jade

Hair Color: Black

Clothing: He wears a black turtleneck under his uniform.


  • Patterns
  • Schedules
  • Animals


  • Disorder
  • Unplanned time
  • Spontaneity











Eligius was born into a very poor family of a general store employee and a florist. Daily, he did chores for the family such as cleaning, fetching water, grocery shopping, etc. While he had a sister, since she was perceived as superior in intelligence and beauty to him, she was sent to the local school. This forced him to be alone most of the time for as long as he could remember. As soon as he was old enough, his mother taught him mathematics so he could manage the household finances. Despite being unable to read, he was a prodigy in all areas of mathematics that he was exposed to.

However, during these early years of his life, Eligius was the scapegoat for all the troubles in the family. If simple things were amiss, or even if they were not, his parents blamed him for everything. When there was nothing amiss, they would blame it on him being minutes or even seconds late for things he may or may not have even been asked to do. Not only was this emotionally taxing on the young Eligius, but also physically painful. He was often struck when he did not live up to their faulty expectations. This caused him as he reached his teens to grow an obsession with time and order.

One day, however, he snapped. That day, his parents attempted to pile more tasks onto his perfectly thought out schedule and got in the way of the routine he established to protect himself. Therefore, he killed them without emotion. His sister, who had turned a blind eye to his suffering his whole life, came out to see the commotion and was also killed. Logically, he checked the pulses of the bodies and went to dispose of them with the daily trash. 

At this point, Caio saw him with the bodies and approached him. He offered that if Eligius joined him, he would make the scene seem as if it was his criminal organization’s fault. After asking for details about what his responsibilities would be and his pay, Eligius agreed to join as the benefits heavily outweighed the drawbacks.

As part of the organization that soon was converted into the realm’s police, Eligius was shown kindness and compassion for the first time, being treated as a human. It was here that he was able to recover from his childhood wounds, though still holding an anxiety about time, and learn the emotions he was never shown.

Caio Nightingale

[ Boss ] 

Caius Nightingale

[ Colleague ] 
