Huesic Deidre



4 years, 4 months ago


Full name: Huesic Deidre

Status: Alive

Gender: Male

Age: ???

Species: ???

Height: 6' 4''

Relationship: Taken(Sullivan harbor)

Relatives: None


Location: Paece City, Nunimel

Occupation(s): Head Priest of Paece City, One of the executioners and judges at Paece City, High Ranked Operative 

Hobbies: ???


A kindhearted and caring man who wishes the best for the citizens of his City. A father figure and very loyal to the city. Huesic can get a bit worried and some might even call, possessive over his boyfriend, Sullivan. Barely says anything about his up-bringing but when he has to, he keeps it very vague. Gives off threatening/intimidating energy even when he doesn't mean to. Back in the older days when he was an 24/7 operative and was working with his team more often, he was known to be aloof and more serious than he is currently. 



- Absolutely hates the rebels but will give them a chance to come back

-Always polite and greets everyone with a smile no matter who/what they are

- Took over the main church when the old priestess died

- Assistant is Yosef and Randale(was apart of his old group) is his pet