Sophronia Walker



4 years, 3 months ago




Name || Sophronia Walker/Marshall
Alias || Disgrace, witch, love
Gender || Female
Age || 20
Ethnicity || Pure Inkdrian
Occupation || None
Rarity || Common
Generation || 4
Waterproof? || Yes
Theme || 

Traits List

  • Black ink


Sophronia is a shy and soft spoken person, not one to put put her opinion or disobey. Some in her isolated village would find that ideal for a frail woman like herself. She was hidden away from the village for a long time and it shows when she talks to others, she finds it hard to talk to other people.

Sophronia is also quite jumpy, due to her home life. A sudden loud noise is enough to make her cry. 


  • Flowers
  • A clear cloudless sky
  • Softer music
  • Spending alone time by the streams


  • Sudden loud noises
  • Yelling 
  • Crowded places
  • Fairmire 




Sophronia was born into a rather large family; she has an older brother, a younger sister, a younger brother, and her two parents. Together they all lived into an isolated village named Fairmire, the place wasn't even on maps. No one outside of Fairmire knew of the place and no one ever left. They had no need to leave, they had everything they needed in the village. There was one thing that was forbidden in the village though, magic. Villagers thought it was against Dreamweaver and evil. Anyone with magic was shunned or ridiculed. 

Unluckily for Sophronia she was proven to have magic after glowing orbs surrounded her as a kid when she was terrified of the dark. Her parents freaked out and threw her in her room. Arguing about what to do with their witch of a daughter. Soon they began to mistreat her and hide her away from the village out of shame. She was never allowed to leave her room as a child.

When Sophronia was a teenager her parents had their last kid, a boy. Her older brother moved out a year before the new kid was born, so she was finally let out of her room only to help take care of the kid. It was also the first time she was allowed fully out of her house. The other villagers questioned her about why they never seen her before, the kid would respond telling them that she was his big sister. The villagers began to question her parents. They responded with "We had to make sure the witch wouldn't try anything. We had to convince her not to use her evil magics." 

The town believed them. Most decided to shun Sophronia, while others would yell at her. Calling her a witch. Sophronia never fought back against these people. She remembered the time she tried to fight back against her parents. The scars reminded her of what happened.


Sophronia is saved by a wandering adventurer named Theodore Marshall, who insists on being called Teddy. 

He had wondered into Fairmire one day, running into Sophronia and her younger brother who got hurt. Teddy healed the boy with magic and was immediately ridiculed by the villagers, he tried to talk to Sophronia asking why the villagers was acting weird. But she was grabbed by her father before she could warn him about her village's beliefs. Some villagers threw stones at Teddy until he left the town.

But this was only until night hit where he met up with Sophronia who was on her way home. The two of them sat an talked for hours before Teddy left once more. Though he started to use magic to communicate with her while he was far away. Over the months of this communication Sophronia fell for the adventurer, confessing to him. She was so happy to hear he felt the same way. 

The happy feelings didn't stay for long, Sophronia's family heard her talking to Teddy one night and though she was communicating with a demon. So they threw her into the village jail. Telling everyone that she was a danger, that she would be the end of them. Luckily Teddy messaged her with magic that night, she quietly explained to him what was going on. 

The next day Teddy broke into the jail and got her out. He then introduced her to his family.

Sophronia and Teddy soon get married and own a farm together. And eventually have a daughter named Yvette.


  • Sophronia has scars on both of her arms, no one has seen them but Teddy. Though a lot of her scars are on her back
  • It's very hard to get her angry 
  • Her wedding ring has Teddy's gradient, while Teddy's wedding ring has her's