Archibald Whittbittle



4 years, 4 months ago


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Archibald is a wanderer, a mage/Artificer and a curious guy. When notfiddling on new potions, he adventures around for loot, items and new things. 

Has a"dimensional pouch" to store alot more than one thinks. 

Height: 2´4 (73cm tall)


  • Intelligent and resourceful: Archibald's enhanced intelligence allows him to think quickly on his feet and devise clever solutions to problems.
  • Adventurous and curious: He possesses a strong sense of curiosity and a thirst for exploration, always eager to uncover new knowledge and treasures.
  • Loyal and protective: Despite his independent nature, Archibald deeply values his friendships and is fiercely loyal to those he cares about, willing to go to great lengths to protect them.
  • Determined and resilient: He has a strong will and refuses to let setbacks or obstacles deter him from his goals, showing resilience in the face of adversity.

Quirks and Fun Traits:

  • Potion enthusiast: Archibald is passionate about potions and alchemy, often experimenting with new concoctions and recipes to enhance his abilities or create unique effects.
  • Prone to accidental discoveries: Many of Archibald's greatest breakthroughs and quirks stem from accidental mishaps or experiments gone awry, adding an element of unpredictability to his character.
  • Fondness for spicy food: Despite lacking fire-breathing abilities, Archibald has a knack for making spicy dishes, particularly his famous chili, which he enjoys sharing with friends and allies.
  • Tendency to ramble: When excited or discussing a topic of interest, Archibald can be prone to long-winded explanations or tangents, sometimes overwhelming those around him with information.

Be Wary:

  • Overconfidence: Archibald's intelligence and immortality can sometimes lead to overconfidence, causing him to underestimate opponents or take unnecessary risks.
  • Stubbornness: He can be stubborn and single-minded when pursuing his goals, occasionally disregarding advice or caution from others.
  • Obsession with discovery: Archibald's insatiable curiosity and thirst for knowledge may lead him to prioritize exploration and experimentation over safety, putting himself and others in danger.
  • Emotional vulnerability: Despite his outward bravado, Archibald harbors emotional scars from past losses and traumas, making him sensitive to certain triggers or reminders of his past.

  • Potion Prowess: Archibald is constantly brewing potions, experimenting with new ingredients and concoctions to create unique effects. He's known to always have vials of potions strapped to his belt or tucked away in his pockets, ready for any situation.
  • Curiosity Cravings: Archibald has an insatiable curiosity about the world around him, often getting distracted by shiny objects or interesting artifacts during his adventures. He's prone to going off on tangents or investigating obscure mysteries that pique his interest.
  • Trap Talk: Archibald loves to regale his companions with stories of his trap-making exploits, often embellishing the details for dramatic effect. He's known for his elaborate descriptions of clever traps and narrow escapes, turning even the most mundane encounters into thrilling tales of adventure.
  • Mischief Maker: Archibald has a mischievous streak and enjoys pulling pranks on his companions, whether it's setting up harmless traps or slipping potions into their drinks for comedic effect. His antics can sometimes land him in hot water, but he always means well.
  • Spicy Sensation: Archibald has a fondness for spicy food and is known for his love of cooking up fiery dishes, particularly his famous chili recipe. He's always on the lookout for new ingredients to add an extra kick to his meals and enjoys challenging his friends to try his latest creations.
  • Bookworm Behaviors: Despite his adventurous spirit, Archibald has a deep appreciation for knowledge and can often be found buried in ancient tomes or scrolls, poring over texts in search of forgotten secrets or arcane wisdom. He's a voracious reader and loves to share interesting tidbits he discovers with his companions.
  • Collectible Craze: Archibald has a penchant for collecting odd trinkets and artifacts from his travels, storing them in his pack or displaying them proudly in his makeshift home. His collection ranges from rare gems and magical artifacts to mundane items with sentimental value, each one holding a story or memory of a past adventure.
  • Quip Queen: Archibald has a quick wit and a sharp tongue, often peppering his conversations with clever puns, jokes, and one-liners. He's known for his dry sense of humor and can lighten the mood even in the direst of situations with a well-timed quip.
  • Dance Dynamism: Archibald has a secret passion for dancing and can often be caught practicing his moves when he thinks no one is watching. He's surprisingly graceful on his feet and loves to bust out a dance number to celebrate a successful adventure or lift his friends' spirits during tough times.
  • Puzzle Prowess: Archibald has a knack for solving puzzles and riddles, relishing the challenge of unraveling complex mysteries or unlocking hidden secrets. He's always eager to put his mind to the test and enjoys challenging his companions to see who can solve a puzzle the fastest.

A lil´to his species:
Kobolds usually inhabit dragons’ lairs when they can but more commonly infest dungeons, gathering treasures and trinkets to add to their own tiny hoards. Archibald loves looting (!) Like.. one can be on a mission and he "excuses" himself from battle to loot, and then fight on. Loving especially if he can outsmart a dragon or "commoner" from his load or "troublesome" treasures.

As egg-laying creatures, the kobolds’ birth rate is higher than any other humanoid race. They mature quickly, and can live to be “great wyrms” more than a century old. Despite the abundant numbers of their young, many kobolds perish before they reach the end of their first decade. Physically weak, they are easy prey for competent predators in the dark and dangerous realms where they reside. This vulnerability underlies their cowardice and forces them to band together. Their superior numbers can win battles against powerful adversaries, but often with massive casualties on the kobold side. 

More on Kobold: (info added if  link shouldn´t work)

Kobolds were aggressive, inward, yet industrious small humanoid creatures. They were noted for their skill at building traps and  preparing ambushes, and mining. They were distantly related to dragons and urds and were often found serving as their minions.

A kobold was a reptilian humanoid, standing between 2' and 2'6" (60cm – 75cm) tall, weighing 35 to 45  pounds (16 – 20kg), with scaled skin between reddish brown and black in  color and burnt orange to red eyes. Their legs were sinewy and  digitigrade. They had long, clawed fingers and a jaw like a crocodile. Small white or tan horns protruded from their head, and they had rat-like tails. They would often smell of wet dog and  stagnant water. Kobolds liked to wear red or orange garments, which were  usually ragged


Kobolds were resentful of their short stature and hated members of  other races who poked fun at them for this. Most felt as though they  ought to compensate for their small size in other ways, such as humor or  aggression. They would naturally tend to hate larger creatures, and although they  would show respect and obedience if required, they always looked for  ways to display their resentment.

Kobolds held a hatred for nearly all other humanoid races and enjoyed killing and torturing them, in particular brownies, gnomes, pixies and sprites. The ultimate goal of the kobold race was to conquer as much land as possible. They would plan and dig mines industriously, while laying cruel traps  for interlopers, preferring an ambush to direct confrontation. If they  ever confronted an enemy, they would try to overwhelm foes with sheer  numbers Among the monstrous humanoids, they were known for cunning plans, and  unlike many others, would also share those plans among the entire tribe.  General plans and goals would be common knowledge, and detailed plans  were shared with all who asked to allow them to work fruitfully for the  good of the tribe. Their society was influenced by their lawful evil alignment.

Kobolds were confident and happy to remain separated from the other races. A kobold saying stated:  

The dragon  scale toughens our skin. The dragon bone adorns our skull. The dragon  heart flames our sorcery. We are the dragon, and for the dragon we live.  Long live the dragon.

Kobolds used their cunning and sheer weight of numbers to defeat  enemies. They preferred to lay traps or ambushes, and would only engage a  foe directly after it was weakened. If their numbers were diminished  such that they had less than a two-to-one advantage, the group would  usually flee. Kobold traps included spike pits, tripwires, flaming oil,  and poisonous vermin.  They disliked gnomes to such an extent that they would attack on sight.

Kobolds would usually loot what treasure they could carry from  their defeated enemies, who were usually killed. Occasionally, kobolds  would enslave their foes, who then might be sold on, unless they were  gnomes, which kobolds would always kill, but never eat.

Kobolds lived in the dark, ideally underground or thick forest, in tribal societies. Their lairs were often overcrowded, although when one tribe became too  numerous, it split into numerous smaller ones. The overcrowding  eliminated the concept of privacy, so kobolds slept in communal areas  where nudity was not regarded as shameful or offensive, even to the  opposite sex. Kobolds wore clothing for function or ritual, but not to  prevent nudity. The common overcrowding often led to conflict, and two  kobolds would fight to settle their differences, although these fights  were not usually lethal. This led to a lack of deep-rooted divisions or  grievances in kobold society.

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They were respectful of authority figures, and would obey diligently, particularly when their ruler was of lawful evil alignment. 

Kobolds had specialized laborers, yet the majority of kobolds were miners. They possessed darkvision and were particularly sensitive to bright light. Kobolds preferred exile to execution, and in some disputes, kobolds  would split tribes in order to spread their kind over a larger region. Kobolds had natural tendencies towards sorcery. They could live up to 135 years] and dragonwrought even longer.  Kobolds were similar to dragons, but while dragons had warm blood,  kobolds were cold-blooded. Due to this, they were susceptible to cold,  especially if it was brought on quickly. They enjoyed swimming and would gather to bathe together, especially  after shedding (see below). Kobolds would take a lot of care maintaining  their claws and teeth, using smooth stones to polish claws and chewing  roots to clean teeth.

It was unknown how kobolds were of dragon heritage. While each  kobold valued its own life, the tribe came first. They considered the  success of their tribe to be their own success


Kobolds spoke Yipyak, a version of the Draconic language, with a yipping accent. Some could also speak Undercommon.


Kobolds often created their lairs by mining them from the rock.  Mining was a meticulously planned and conducted process where nothing  was left to chance. Divination magic was used to locate ore and mineral deposits. A high proportion of  a kobold tribe were miners. Each family group was expected to cut its  own room, the walls of which they would adorn with a pictorial history  of the family


 Lawful evil

General Information

Patron deity






Average lifespan

 Usually up to 50 years, max 120 years


 Common, Draconic, Yipyak


 Aquatic kobold, arctic kobold, desert kobold, dragonwrought kobold, earth kobold, jungle kobold

Favored climate


Favored terrain



Average height

 2' – 2'5" ( 60 – 74 cm)

Average weight

 35–45 lb (16–20 kg)

Skin color(s)

 Variable, often reddish brown

Eye color(s)

 Burnt orange, red


 Small, aggressive, physically durable, industrious, nimble, stealthy

Kobolds were aggressive, inward, yet industrious small humanoid creatures. They were noted for their skill at building traps and  preparing ambushes, and mining. They were distantly related to dragons and urds and were often found serving as their minions.


A kobold was a reptilian humanoid, standing between 2' and 2'6" (60cm – 75cm) tall, weighing 35 to 45  pounds (16 – 20kg), with scaled skin between reddish brown and black in  color and burnt orange to red eyes. Their legs were sinewy and  digitigrade. They had long, clawed fingers and a jaw like a crocodile. Small white or tan horns protruded from their head, and they had rat-like tails. They would often smell of wet dog and  stagnant water. Kobolds liked to wear red or orange garments, which were  usually ragged.



Kobolds were resentful of their short stature and hated members of  other races who poked fun at them for this. Most felt as though they  ought to compensate for their small size in other ways, such as humor or  aggression. They would naturally tend to hate larger creatures, and although they  would show respect and obedience if required, they always looked for  ways to display their resentment.

Kobolds held a hatred for nearly all other humanoid races and enjoyed killing and torturing them, in particular brownies, gnomes, pixies and sprites. The ultimate goal of the kobold race was to conquer as much land as possible. They would plan and dig mines industriously, while laying cruel traps  for interlopers, preferring an ambush to direct confrontation. If they  ever confronted an enemy, they would try to overwhelm foes with sheer  numbers. Among the monstrous humanoids, they were known for cunning plans, and  unlike many others, would also share those plans among the entire tribe.  General plans and goals would be common knowledge, and detailed plans  were shared with all who asked to allow them to work fruitfully for the  good of the tribe. Their society was influenced by their lawful evil alignment.

Kobolds were confident and happy to remain separated from the other races. A kobold saying stated:

The dragon  scale toughens our skin. The dragon bone adorns our skull. The dragon  heart flames our sorcery. We are the dragon, and for the dragon we live.  Long live the dragon.


Kobolds used their cunning and sheer weight of numbers to defeat  enemies. They preferred to lay traps or ambushes, and would only engage a  foe directly after it was weakened. If their numbers were diminished  such that they had less than a two-to-one advantage, the group would  usually flee. Kobold traps included spike pits, tripwires, flaming oil,  and poisonous vermin. They disliked gnomes to such an extent that they would attack on sight.

Kobolds would usually loot what treasure they could carry from  their defeated enemies, who were usually killed. Occasionally, kobolds  would enslave their foes, who then might be sold on, unless they were  gnomes, which kobolds would always kill, but never eat.


“Kobolds are a lot less cute when they learn how to cast fireballs.
— Volothamp Geddarm

Kobolds lived in the dark, ideally underground or thick forest, in tribal societies. Their lairs were often overcrowded, although when one tribe became too  numerous, it split into numerous smaller ones. The overcrowding  eliminated the concept of privacy, so kobolds slept in communal areas  where nudity was not regarded as shameful or offensive, even to the  opposite sex. Kobolds wore clothing for function or ritual, but not to  prevent nudity. The common overcrowding often led to conflict, and two  kobolds would fight to settle their differences, although these fights  were not usually lethal. This led to a lack of deep-rooted divisions or  grievances in kobold society.

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They were respectful of authority figures, and would obey diligently, particularly when their ruler was of lawful evil alignment.

Kobolds had specialized laborers, yet the majority of kobolds were miners. They possessed darkvision and were particularly sensitive to bright light. Kobolds preferred exile to execution, and in some disputes, kobolds  would split tribes in order to spread their kind over a larger region Kobolds had natural tendencies towards sorcery. They could live up to 135 years, and dragonwrought even longer. Kobolds were similar to dragons, but while dragons had warm blood,  kobolds were cold-blooded. Due to this, they were susceptible to cold,  especially if it was brought on quickly. They enjoyed swimming and would gather to bathe together, especially  after shedding (see below). Kobolds would take a lot of care maintaining  their claws and teeth, using smooth stones to polish claws and chewing  roots to clean teeth.

It was unknown how kobolds were of dragon heritage. While each  kobold valued its own life, the tribe came first. They considered the  success of their tribe to be their own success.[16]



st art for kobolds was trapmaking. The use of invention and  cunning in traps was the mark of a good trapmaker. The other art form  was the pictorial representation of the tribe's history, created on the  walls of a specially created room in every lair. Kobolds enjoyed making  jewelry from the gems and precious metals they encountered while mining.  They could be possessive about their personal jewelry collections, and  much effort was put into crafting beautiful jewelry, unlike other items,  which were functional rather than aesthetically pleasing.[20]


At some point in time, kobolds learned to domesticate dire weasels to serve them as guards and hunters. This resulted in lycanthropic kobold dire weasels. Around one in ten thousand kobolds was a natural lycanthrope in this manner.[21] Kobolds also used dire weasels as mounts.[22]

Where other races considered heroes to be those who enact great  feats of strength or military prowess, kobold heroes were those who  showed great prowess in trap setting, torture and ambush.[14]



A group of kobolds returning from a heist.


Most kobolds were miners and so dressed in sleeveless tunics and  breeches; but kobolds enjoyed dressing in more elegant clothing for  festivities. These included clothes made from silk or leather, but  tailored clothes were only common among leaders. Garments were often  made to compliment the wearer's eyes, which involved the use of orange  or red dyes. Other garments might be dyed to demonstrate the wearer's  affinity to a particular kind of dragon. Kobolds required the dexterity  in their feet too often to wear footwear, and the soles of their feet  were hard enough to cope with most surfaces. Due to the amount of time  kobolds spend mining, gemstones were readily available, and they used  these to adorn their clothing, and to make jewelry.


The main deity of the kobolds was Kurtulmak, the god of war and mining, who hates all living things besides their kin. A main part of their religion was to seek out magic items that they believed may help free Kurtulmak from his eternal prison.The other main god worshiped by the kobolds was Gaknulak, the god of protection, stealth, trickery and traps. A lesser-known kobold demigod was Dakarnok. The remainder of the kobold pantheon was comprised of deified kobold heroes.

Kobolds were also known for serving dragons and praising them as  gods. A kobold tribe would present a dragon with tributes and sacrifices  and whatever they thought it may like; they might have even seen it as a  great honor to be devoured by the creature. If a kobold tribe was not  accepted by a dragon they might start working for it in secret. Once a  tribe settled to serve a dragon, their entire existence was to serve  their god in every way.


Kobolds did not maintain monogamous relationships, and due to the  importance they placed on propagation, they chose mates by practical  measures rather than love or other emotions. Mating was an impersonal  act for kobolds.

Kobolds were extremely fecund egg-layers, having the highest birth rate among humanoidsA pregnant female would lay her egg within two weeks. About one in ten  pregnancies led to two eggs. An egg needed incubation for about two  months, but the newly hatched kobold could walk in just hours. The eggs  were particularly sturdy, and the young inside could survive even if the  egg broke as much as fifteen days early. Kobold young matured quickly, having reached young adulthood in six years. They often laid eggs in a common nest, with specialized foster parents watching over the eggs and wyrmling. 

Some kobold children were dragonwrought,  and it was possible to tell this because the egg would be speckled with  flecks of the dragon's color, which became more numerous throughout the  incubation period.These kobolds possessed wings like those of a dragon,  and some were of enough use to allow flight. Ritual demanded that the  egg be taken to a sacred hatching place, and dragonwrought kobolds would  be raised above ground if they were able to fly, so that they could  learn to use their wings.


Kobolds were omnivorous, eating plants and animals, but would not  refuse to eat intelligent creatures if the opportunity presented itself. They were able to eat just about anything when the situation became  desperate, even tree bark or bone. Due to their cold-blooded nature,  kobolds that had spent time in a warm place would not need to eat for  days.


Like other reptiles, kobolds shed their skin periodically. A growing  kobold might do this as frequently as weekly, but a developed one  usually shed once per season. Unlike more common reptiles, such as  snakes, kobolds did not shed their entire skin at once; they instead  shed portions of it over a period of time. The process was usually  accelerated by rubbing. Bitterleaf was often applied after shedding to help the new scales acquire strength and shine.


Time of Dragons

Kobolds were the first of the dragonspawn and were created by  Asgorath (another name for Io) alongside urds around −24,500 DR.

They lived under Kurtulmak in Darastrixhurthi, a vassal state of Darastriverthicha, a nation ruled by the green dragon Caesinsjach. They found the gems in which the souls of the gnomes waited to be turned into living creatures and enslaved those who already lived. When the elves caused the Rage of Dragons their dragon turned on them and Garl Glittergold took this chance to kill Kurtulmak and the kobolds by collapsing their cavern in which their nation lay.

A blue dragonwrought kobold, or an urd, called Kuraulyek fled out of egoism to the Thunder Peaks against Kurtulmak's orders to protect the kobolds against their mad master.

This led to the near extinction of the entire kobold race and Io elevated Kurtulmak to deity status but also Kuraulyek both as reparation but also to ensure the continued existence of the race.

Kurtulmak learned about Kuraulyek's actions and since than the  latter was hiding from the former out of fear for reprisal. The kobolds,  though mostly didn't know that an urd was responsible for saving urds  and told a story, that Kuraulyek was hiding from Kurtulmak because he  stole a pair of artificial wings from him.

Kobolds make up for their physical ineptitude with a cleverness for trap making and tunneling. Their lairs consist of low tunnels through which they move easily, but which make it difficult for larger humanoids to maneuver. Rather than face the claws, teeth, and blades of their enemies head-on, kobolds riddle their lairs with rock falls, nets, concealed pits, and other traps designed to eliminate or ensnare their foes before they get close. These lairs are efficient and orderly places where the strong rule over the weak, whether by competence or cruelty.


Kobolds make up for their physical ineptitude with a cleverness for trap making and tunneling. Their lairs consist of low tunnels through which they move easily, but which make it difficult for larger humanoids to maneuver. Rather than face the claws, teeth, and blades of their enemies head-on, kobolds riddle their lairs with rock falls, nets, concealed pits, and other traps designed to eliminate or ensnare their foes before they get close. These lairs are efficient and orderly places where the strong rule over the weak, whether by competence or cruelty.
Archibald had enough at one point living with his other Kobold friends n family in dark tunnels and such. Even if his witness was high.

Thanks to a Mage that once fell in the trap, the Mage offered him a lecture in Potions in trade for freedom. Accidently spilling a mixture, making Archibald smarter than others. Not only then freeing the Mage, but travelling with him and leaving his home. A while learning under the Mage´s "wings" beeing his apprentice, Archibald soon stood on his own legs. Often mistaken as a smart dragon, he has no firebreathing abbilities. (But he does know how to make a spicy chilli that can be similiar)

The mage by his side turned out to be one of his only and best companions he ever had and staying alongside to protect his friend.
Until fate struck and he witnessed the friend die infront of him due to the enemy (will come soon)
From that day vowing to not let his life be a simple "wasted" time.

This may be for others, but Archibald is no "common"  Kobold. He had no interest in dying fast when the world offers soo much loot and treasures and spells to be learned and potions to be done. So he found a way to accidentley make him immmortal (he has no idea how this happened as it was a 7th night in a row, too much coffee and a series marathon. He want s to find out how he did it. So far he can live long and heal with his potions. Making him a valuable, part slightly annoying looting Kobold.




Background:  Wanderer

Personality Traits:

  1. Curious Adventurer:
    • Archibald is driven by an insatiable curiosity, always seeking out new experiences, items, and magical knowledge.
  2. Roguish Charm:
    • Possessing a roguish nature, Archibald often uses his charming words to navigate social situations and acquire valuable loot.
  3. Lover of Lore:
    • Enjoys reading and collecting books, potions, and magical artifacts, always eager to expand his knowledge.
  4. Resourceful:
    • Quick on his feet and resourceful, Archibald makes the most out of any situation, adapting to challenges with a clever mind.
  5. Loyal Companion:
    • Despite his wandering nature, Archibald values loyalty and friendship, especially after losing his mage friend.


Archibald Whittbittle, a kobold with a penchant for curiosity, once lived a mundane life until a chance encounter with a trapped mage changed his destiny. In exchange for freedom, the mage offered Archibald lessons in potion-making. A spilled mixture during one of their lessons unexpectedly heightened Archibald's intelligence, turning him into a clever and resourceful kobold.

Embracing the wanderer's lifestyle, Archibald traveled alongside his mage companion, learning the art of magic and artifice. Sadly, fate took a dark turn, and Archibald witnessed the death of his friend at the hands of a formidable enemy.

Determined not to let his life be in vain, Archibald vowed to make the most of his time in the world. Through a series of accidental experiments, including too much coffee and a marathon of magical studies, he stumbled upon a method to grant himself unintentional immortality. He now possesses the ability to live long and heal through his potion-making skills.

Adorning a red hoodie given to him by his fallen mage friend, Archibald embraces his unique appearance, marked by a greenish/blue hue from the potion incident. He considers it his "amazing look" and takes pride in being one of a kind.

Wielding a dimensional pouch that can store more than meets the eye, Archibald travels the world in pursuit of magical lore, treasures, and the secret behind his accidental immortality. His photographic memory and note-taking abilities make him a valuable asset to any team, though his roguish charm might occasionally lead to unsuspecting allies losing their loot.


Archibald stands at a mere 2 feet and 4 inches, his kobold form adorned with a hoodie that conceals his nimble figure. The greenish/blue hue on his head serves as a lasting mark from the potion incident, giving him a distinctive and "amazing" look.


  1. Unravel Immortality: Archibald seeks to understand how he accidentally made himself immortal and strives to uncover the secrets behind this magical anomaly.
  2. Expand Knowledge: Driven by insatiable curiosity, he aims to collect more magical lore, potions, and artifacts to enhance his understanding of the arcane.
  3. Cherish Friendship: In honor of his fallen mage companion, Archibald values loyalty and aims to forge new friendships and alliances in his travels.



- Fotografic memory and takes notes of certain things.
- Wear´s red like clothings underneath his hoodie he got from his mage  friend. While learning on magic from the mage, he does potions on the  side. More than once managed to get comibinations done he didn´t expect.
- Loves reading, (literal Book Kobold with "Oh new book? Gimme, gimme, gimme") collecting and making new potions, a valuable asset to  any team (just make sure not to fall for his charming words and hide your loot!) he is hella curious!!
- The greenish/blue on his head is from the potion incidence and left a  remaining mark. (doesn´t go off no matter how often he washes himself)   He declares this as his "amazing look" and being one of a kind.


(more on him soon)
