
4 years, 8 months ago


Rush the Chimera



Male // Ageless/Immortal

Illegal Experiment


Species: 80% Hedgehog 15% Chaos 5% Shark
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral, lean evil
Affiliations: [REDACTED]
Orientation: Gay
Height: 3'3"
Ability type: Speed, power flex


  • Sour candy
  • Doing what/going where he wants
  • Fighting
  • Scaring others
  • Being spontaneous
  • Stalking people


  • Being analyzed
  • Running tests
  • Being managed/controlled
  • Being treated like an object
  • Cold weather
  • Hot/spicy food



Rush was created by a group of people using stolen research from Project Shadow. While some of the people working on the project were scientists and others interested in scientific progression, others were government workers, working secretly as this kind of experiment is illegal and most likely GUN would be sent to shut it down and destroy the research if they were found out.

He was created by stealing DNA samples from 2 unsuspecting Mobians and DNA from Chaos Zero (stolen from a higher up government lab). Rush was created mostly fully formed, he did not grow as a child and when he awakened for the first time, had the brain capability of a teenager. Unfortunately for the research team, that meant he was rebellious and not interested at all in aiding with their research.

Realizing what an uncontrollable force they has created, they put a control chip in his head to keep his powers from ever going out of control, making sure that if he ever decided he was bored with being their guinea pig, they could keep him under their control. Rush knows this, but still pushes the boundaries as far as he can, sneaking out or just straight up doing what he wants. Mostly, Rush wants to be free. It's not a burning desire but he's tired of being treated like an object and just wants to live his own life. For now, he keeps himself occupied with sneaking out and challenging strong people he comes across

The current version of Rush, created after a couple more years of testing, holds bits and pieces of the original Rush's memories and feelings. They are quite similar, though current Rush is a bit more mature and less childish. He's less empathetic in battle and likes to play with his food. Rush killed Rush 0.1 in a test battle with ease, after they were set loose in a contained battle chamber for testing. Though it wasn't the intended result, the research team were pleased with how their project had grown!

Though Rush still is disinterested their research, though unlike his previous version, who had the energy of a rebellious teenager, Rush now is genuinely hostile towards the team, sometimes playfully and sometimes with threats. He is secretly very afraid that they will attempt to replace him next, and is always training to the point of exhaustion to make sure he's not the next Project:ZERO that gets 'taken offline'

Personality: Cocky, aggressive, anxious/paranoid, smug, prideful, immature and pouty if he doesn't get his way,

Powers and abilities

Chaos abilities - Rush has fairly strong Chaos abilities, stronger than 0.1's. They are a neon-green colour. May or may not be able to use Chaos Control.

Chaos Aura - Due to the nature in which he was created, the energy he gives off is similar to a Chaos Emerald, and he can be used by other Chaos ability users in place of an actual Chaos Emerald.

Hydrokinesis - Hydrokinetic abilities, limited to being used as 'claws' or 'extended limbs' and not free-form. Thanks to the DNA sample taken from his 'father'.

Skills: Enhanced speed, Enhanced strength, Enhanced jump, Enhanced durability, Enhanced stamina, Enhanced agility, Enhanced reflexes, Hand-to-hand combat skills, Immortality, Breathing underwater for a limited time, Enhanced swimming, Chaos abilities


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