2. Zemican



4 years, 4 months ago




Male • 17


Kind • Impressionable • Gullible

 "C'mon! Let's get that spark back in your step!"


 Race: Inkling
 Main: Clear Dapple Dualies
 Orientation: Bisexual
 Sign: Aquarius
 Alignment: Neutral Good
 Occupation: Daycare helper
 Theme: Counting!


  • KPop/Vocaloid
  • Soft drinks
  • Dayttime


  • Cold showers
  • Ice in your drink
  • Trick questions


Energetic and full of personality, Zemican can often be too much for people around him to handle. This doesn't really bother him though as he's always eager to meet new people anyways, going out of his way to try to make connections- even if the feeling isn't exactly mutual. But he never lets himself get too down with rejection, believing life to be too short to spend moping around and internalizing. This being said, there's still one thing he'd like to change about himself sometimes, that being his own trusting nature. Zem is extremely trusting in others, often missing or igmoring obvious red flags early on that only get him into trouble later.

Case in point... How he met Atlas

Zemican found himself in a tricky situation: somehow, he’d managed to get himself stuck in an experimental laboratory. It’s here where he met Atlas, a tall inkling who tried his best to intimidate Zemi but like many before him failed miserably. In the following weeks, then months, Zemican slowly wore down at his new acquaintance until eventually he was getting tips from Atlas on how to better survive in his new environment. While on the surface, it still seemed like their friendship was shaky at best, but that question was blown out of the water when Atlas was handed a badly-injured Zemican and told it was on him to patch him up. After that, it was only a matter of time until the two squids attempted to break out, fueled by both of their fears of dying. 

This attempt ends up being successful- by some miracle, Zemican and Atlas manage to get out in one piece, which only opens up a new difficult chapter for the two: How to re-enter normal society. Zemican didn’t have it too badly, but still ended up preferring to live with Atlas... Thankfully, the wish was mutual, landing the inklings as living together. With their past and current situation, though, they also ended up developing feelings for each other. A few stressful weeks later, the two do end up settling into a relationship, which they’re still happily in now.

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