


4 years, 5 months ago









Marital STA



Francis Val Rike.

39 yrs.







Sussex, England.

English and American.

Human Biology Professor (formerly).



Physical Description

      Slim fit physique, pale blond pushed back hair, dark eyes, Caucasian skin, sharp pointed features.                  Typically seen wearing all black. He is never seen without his life long pet; a fluffy black cat with red             eyes and dull white teeth. 

Mental + Emotional

Val possesses a lot of survivor's guilt from the London Crisis and struggles with severe Depression. Though he can come off as insincere, threatening and unfriendly, he is actually a very loving and loyal individual. Once you've gained his respect or friendship, it would be quite difficult to shake him. He's very intelligent and most of his risks are calculated; however, he can be brash and reckless if someone he cares about is involved. 


A light English accent; he speaks fluently in English, Russian, and French.  


Severely lacking in the combative skill department, Val knows how to use a shotgun and a pistol through forced experience. But really has no idea what he's doing when it comes to most other weapons, and has no expertise in hand to hand. His greatest strength is his mind; he's very clever and possesses a vast knowledge as far as Genetics and Human Biology go, holding a Doctorate in both. 


Leon S. Kennedy- acquaintance (for now); Leon is the person Val believes is most likely to help him. He views him as a righteous, Chaotic Good.
Julia Alcott- friend; Val and Julia have been friends since before the London Crisis, as she was one of his senior students, graduating his class just before the tragedy.
Ada Wong- accomplice; the two have worked together on several occasions and he owes her several favors, but she actually owes him one as well.


Blackcat became a name that the UK underground was very familiar with, following a specific incident: London, UK. Jan. 1st, 2013 - 6:32am.
London suffers a C-Virus attack that engulfs a large portion of the downtown area, and it's neighboring countryside. The London University takes the brunt of it as a blue vapor infects everything within 2 miles of the campus. The infection zone was able to be contained by the BSAA's Bravo Team before the virus could spread any farther. Val luckily had called in sick that day. However, no one on campus had survived the attack. He lost most of his class and all his friends. His research was subsequently destroyed when the lab in the west wing suffered a chemical explosion shortly after the Bravo Team cleaned up the Infection Zone. Total Casualties: 2,094. A small case compared to the Raccoon City Incident which amassed 100,000 casualties. But London being the UK's epicenter of media attention and gossip, it quickly became a sensation and sent great fear of another surprise attack throughout Europe.  
Seemingly the only survivor from the London University, journalists were quick to question Val wherever and whenever they could. As a Human Biology professor who specialized in the study of DNA and various microorganisms, he was considered suspicious by authorities; potentially posing a threat to National Security. Still grieving his losses, the added scrutiny of the public was driving him mad. There was no avoiding it. Everywhere he looked, there was a pair of eyes settling on an image of him that wasn't real. He was quiet about it for nearly a month after the tragedy, but then the straw that broke the camel's back appeared at the foot of his bed one night; his cat and now closest companion, Lucy. Something was wrong. Her small dark eyes had taken a sickly red sheen, her hackles raised, tail low and hair matted. She had come in from the rainy London alleyways that she escaped to from the loose balcony door at times. Though this time she didn't greet him silently, she growled and gargled like something were in her throat. Her gait stiff, muscles strained, her claws extending into the bed sheets and slicing the threading. She startled him at first- her form manifested there in a stream of moonlight like a terror from the underworld. But as he gazed at her rigid body, his fear of her vanished, replaced by an incomprehensible state of confusion and hurt. He realized that Lucy was infected but she still came when he called, though she seemed in pain when she did so. Part of the little loving cat he knew was in there, suffering with an illness created by terrorists hiding behind white coats and important titles. The last remaining strands of his normal life washed away in the downpour over night.
The more he thought about the attack, the less of the media he believed. He began by asking around, and fell upon a trail that lead him through the London underground. He was after a mob boss named "Jericho." Eventually, he found this man. For Val, it was easy to get a recorded confession from him. The problem was that once he had, he went on to prove his own innocence; deeply ingrained in the public's watchful eye, Jericho was afraid of the man he could only think to call "Blackcat" and needed to get rid of him one way or another. Unable to take the Professor's life himself, he instead opted to have a friend pull a few strings and get him locked away in Blackwell Asylum, where Val spent the next three years. Jericho was never seen or heard from again, it is assumed he fled the country. There at Blackwell, Val did everything he could to prove his sanity but no one believed him. His voice went unheard by staff and patients alike. They didn't even call him by his name. Instead, they called him just Blackcat, for even in her deathly state, Lucy had followed him. She was a revered guest in the asylum, as no one could get rid of her and she horrified nurses, but her loyalty to her "unstable master" was admirable. Val began to doubt his own sanity- wondering how life had come to this. He was trapped. His career had vanished- the things he loved all bowed down to the cold acceptance that none of them were left.
Then on a clear day, thunder boomed. From the barred window of his cell-like room, he could see a massive dark cloud settling down on the small city of Blackwell. Moments later, a siren blared from somewhere beyond the gates of the asylum. The cloud spread across the city, engulfing everything. Soon the asylum was lit up with shouting and banging. He took the opportunity to run. The halls were strewn with the dead and soon to be dead. All he could think of was the London University- it almost felt like he were there. Unsure of how exactly it happened, Val eventually escaped, waking up behind the wheel of a police car on the side of an empty dirt road. Lights still flashing, but everything silent. The English countryside totally calm, rolling on and on as evening encroached. Lucy appeared in the seat beside him, blood on her fur and drying around her mouth. She meowed softly, bringing his life back into focus.
Val knew now that though his life would never be the same, he could retake pieces of it and make something of what was left. Perhaps, use this fresh agony as a means to help others- to destroy the faces of those behind these acts of terrorism. He didn't know how he was going to pull it off but he was determined to see it through. This would lead him down his current path of chaos, trying to find answers, Jericho, and a friend he now believes to still be alive: Julia Alcott. He has uncovered much information that is vital for the BSAA and the D.S.O.- concerning the Sword of the President. (-IP-)


"Be good to yourself, be good to others. But do what is right, even if it tears you apart inside. The will to sacrifice is a virtue less talked about." -Val, imparting his only advice to an old friend.
A nonpracticing believer, Val believes there is a god somewhere. However, being a man of science, the thought hasn't traveled much farther than that. He's more concerned about what is happening on Earth, and in the silent recesses of mankind's greatest regret: Bio-Organic Weapons.

Daily Life

Consumed by his spy work and personal research, Val rarely finds the time to do much else. However, during his escapades he acquired a serious defect which impacts his ability to work sometimes. This being; he managed to inhale a gas that burned and crippled his lungs so badly, he struggles to catch any breath. He must regularly take medication that "softens the damaged tissue" and as a result, makes it easier for him to breathe. If he does not take this medication, his lungs could tense up and he may suffocate. His breathing can be effected by second hand smoke and strong fumes, so he typically stays away from public places and crowds when he can. He finds himself mostly working or "getting better" so he hardly partakes in hobbies. 


> Val's closest companion, affectionately referred to as "Lucy," was once indeed a living and loving pet. Now, she classifies as a B.O.W.- a strong one at that. Strangely enough, the cat retained her love for her master, only adding on aggression towards others she sees as a threat to herself or Val, and a particularly disgusting alternative form which comes out when the cat is feeling a strong negative emotion such as fear or anger. But Val tries to forget that part.
> During his time in Blackwell Asylum, Val eventually got used to being called Blackcat, and gets a bit uncomfortable when people use his real name even though he strongly prefers it.

"There is no terror in the bang, only in the anticipation of it." -Alfred Hitchcock

