


4 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info


Anaan-asala Adaar


???? middle-aged at least

Gender, species

Male Qunari


Dragon Age


It's your local father figure, adopting every Inquisition member! Wohoo

Sexy, loving Dad.

Physical description: 
Anaan-asala is a tall man, even considered above average height even for Qunari. His eyes are a pale yellow color with black scleras. The skin is a medium gray, with a sun-freckled face and covered in whiteish body hair as well as a well-kept beard. His hair - long and thick with the same color - is shaved on the right side of his head and goes down to the small of his back. He almost always has it braided. His horns are curved forward like a rams.
He has multiple ear piercings as well as a ring through his septum. 

FamilyUnknown qun-followers. He doesn't really think about them at all, such is the reality of Qunari. 

Significant other(s): Blackwall

Occupation: Inquisitor

Backstory: Rebelled from the qun and left to join the Valo-Kas, a Tal-Vasoth mercenary band which he ended up leading along with a woman named Shokrakar who Anaan-asala considers his best friend. 

Ongoing story: 
He was guarding some dude when he got caught up at the explosion at the conclave and consequently got wrapped up in all the Inquisition business.
Follows the game plot.
[more to be added]

+ people
+ reading. He likes fiction a lot.
+ has an interest in alcohol (as a hobby, not as an alcoholic lmao). Gathering up a collection "Bottles of Thedas" and finding out more about the contents of it pleases him greatly.
+ leather
- warm, stuffy shirts (at least have some breathable material, man)
- sea travel


+ very physically strong
+ great at battle tactics
+ patient
+/- stubborn
- allergic to cats
- crap on horseback 

* Has nothing against mages but still have some ingrained ideas from his qun-days. Thinks that the circle is necessary for the sake of both mages and non-mages.
* He takes great pride in having his own proper name and he chose his himself. Anaan means victory and Asala means Soul.
* He likes horses and the horses like him back but only until he sits on them and then they both regret their choices 

* Screenshot dump