❤️Parfait Maywell🔪




  • Stephanie "Parfait" Maywell

  • age 24
  • gender female
  • species british short hair cat
  • role serial murderer
  • theme

Obsessive • Murderous • Dangerous


this be Parfait, she's basically a masochist with a lack of braincells

Parfait is a serial murderer who also works for Valerie's mob, she quit Espresso's organization because she wasn't allowed to practice her ways of torture and murder as a hitman. Parfait's main goal is to show Espresso what she can really do with a knife

Parfait has this idea that the world is tainted and it's her job to purify it by killing as many people as she possibly can and "fixing" them

"oopsie~ sorry dear, my knife slipped~"

height 5'2"

build pear

pronouns she/her

s.o. pansexual

dob june 11th


origin mobius

occupation serial murderer

mbti ESFP

demeanor psychotic

tarot idk

element knife

obtained an accident

value too much


  • vesta
  • knives
  • pink and cute things
  • blood
  • watching people in pain
  • or just being in pain


  • espresso
  • the color green
  • when victims don't fight back
  • gunfire
  • cereal

Past Life

Stephanie Maywell was born into a loving household and was pretty much normal, it was only during high school when she started getting into murder mysteries and serial killers and even cutting into herself to make herself feel a high sort of thing. her friend group didn't help her at all, they encouraged her behavior and even brought her various knives and weapons. When carving things into her legs didn't entertain her anymore, she started threatening people around her school with a knife just to see how they would react. Stephanie started looking into techniques famous serial killers used and studied them carefully. She used what she learned on chao, and started doing that to feel "complete". Stephanie's friends started growing weary of her and tried to get her to stop, but to no avail as her behavior just continued. One day at lunch her friends had enough and tried talking to her, trying to get her to stop, this confused Stephanie a bit since they told her it was fine in the first place, and after not getting to her they tried using force. That night Stephanie payed them all a visit and they were all found laying down on their bedroom floors with their eyes taken out and stuffed down their throats, all disemboweled, and laying in their blood. Stephanie was no where to be found and apparently never returned home since that night.

Mafia Business

After her first murders, Stephanie was now looking for ways to replicate the way she felt butchering her friends. She tried chao again, but it wasn't the same as watching an intelligent being suffer. So she decided to change her image, make sure Stephanie Maywell is dead along with the past associated with her. Thus, Parfait was born, and so was her newfound love for pain. First order of business, finding people to kill, so she finds a quaint hitman organization (don't ask how, i'm too stupid) and she joins it. Parfait quickly becomes an efficient hitman and also satisfying her urge for watching people suffer. Espresso, her new boss, was impressed by her efficiency and eagerness to work. One evening Parfait just finished a hit and was getting rid of evidence and seen a book that her victim had dropped on the floor. intrigued, she picked it up and took it with her, Parfait read through the book that night explaining that the world needed to be cleansed by a savior, that savior needed to get rid of tainted people living in the world and quickly. Parfait now feeling like her urge to watch people suffer was justified and her urge to kill was because she was some sort of savior to the world, she decided to start killing more people during hits, and killing people in ways that the client didn't authorize. This didn't go over well with Espresso, and despite being warned not to multiple times, Parfait continued this and was eventually fired after an argument that ended with her threatening Espresso with her massacre blade. Just outside waited Valerie, Espresso's blood sister, and leader of quaint little mafia. Noticing Parfait, she somehow easily convinced Parfait to join her, because despite studying crime scenes and murderers, Parfait might as well have no braincells. So now that Parfait had a new boss with a ton more freedom, she would start a mass murder spree in Westopolis.


Parfait is a masochist, she finds the pain of others absolutely invigorating and it gives her a sort of high, while if her victims fight back and somehow manage to hit her it only makes her happier. Parfait is relatively stupid, she's good at murder and that's it, her life is just murder, it also doesn't help that Valerie uses Parfait for "tests" which affect her brain and behavior. Parfait is extremely obsessive and will cling to people and things for dear life, for example Vesta, her lover, she rarely leaves his side, but when she does she's constantly talking or thinking of him, and if any harm or misfortune comes to him she gets really mad and will stabby stab anyone around (this also goes for Valerie and Midori, but more so Vesta). Despite liking it when her victims fight back, Parfait cannot stand Evelyn, because no matter how many times Parfait stabs, dismembers, and beheads her, Evelyn regenerates. This just makes her mad since she believes Evelyn is trying to take her savior job by "claiming" to be an angel, Parfait hates Evelyn with a passion and was on board with summoning Devyn to get rid of Evelyn for good. Parfait is relatively strong for a small cat, she can and has taken down people ten times bigger than her, she's very confident in her abilities and will make sure anyone who dies by her hands (or knife) knows it.



[ lover ] (Vesta belongs to my sis GreenSphereCon) Parfait is literally obsessed with Vesta, she honestly wouldn't care if her feelings aren't entirely reciprocated. They usually go on murder sprees together, probably as their form of a date. Parfait considers Vesta to be her number one priority, and when she is away from him she doesn't ever stop talking about him. As stated before, Parfait will dismember anyone who even lays a finger on Vesta, basically yandere kind of stuff.


Midori Synder

[ "business" partner ]Midori and Parfait are called The Syndicate Sisters since they mostly work together on mafia related stuff. Midori likes to use Parfait's lack of common sense to her advantage, she can and will convince Parfait that she is a strawberry from outer space created by giant stick. Parfait acts as the brawn while Midori acts as the brain of their operations.


Valerie Vesper

[ boss ] Valerie is the enabler for Parfait's behavior, she encourages her murder sprees and has convinced Parfait that Espresso should suffer at Parfait's hands. Parfait considers Valerie her mentor of sorts and only really follows her orders, despite getting them wrong all the time. Parfait also likes to drop hints that Midori has a slight crush on Valerie to intentionally make Midori mad. But even though Valerie doesn't have the best attitude towards Parfait, Parfait still follows her orders since Valerie is the reason Parfait can kill so many people the way she wants to.

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